This project aims to solve the problem of matching individual clients to specific brokers via a single public facing host/port combination.
node mqtt-proxy <[host:]port> <map>
node mqtt-proxy localhost:1883 map.json
Map format:
Edit map.json to create an array of maps. Example file below:
[{"username": "*", "clientId": "*", "host": "localhost", "port": "1883"}]
- A simple RegEx is performed between the client supplied parameters and those in the map.
- The corresponding host and port are used with existing connection parameters proxied.
This is a relatively green project with debugging enabled; without a set of test scripts; and with no support yet for ssl/tls certificates
Please feel free to fork and improve.
Andrew McClure, Director AgSense - Bringing I.o.T to NZ AgricultureKoha (Donation) - If you like our work and would like to make a small donation to help us continue