To run the tests you need to have installed in your system a reasonable new version of 'tox' and the required project dependencies that are not available in PyPI.
See project's Dockerfile or requirements.txt to get idea which distribution packages are needed. The list is created and maintained for Fedora or CentOS with EPEL enabled.
To build and run unit tests, run 'tox' from the top dir of the project:
There is also a functional test suite that can be run by specifying additional 'tox' environment parameter:
tox -e functional
To build the docs, you can use 'docs' environment:
tox -e docs
That will leave the docs under the path docs/_build/html/index.html
This project requires a set of dependencies to be installed on a system. To help with that for development there is a pre-built docker image available based on the CentOS 7 official image. The development image includes everything necessary to build repoman, run unit and functional tests and generate docs.
By default, the container will cd to /mnt directory where it expects the root of repoman source code tree to be mounted, but will not run any command (there is no entry point explicitly defined). Also it does not require root privileges and is convenient to run under your UID, so you can use your working tree.
E.g. to run just 'tox' you can use:
sudo docker run -v /path/to/repoman/source:/mnt -u $UID -t -i marchukov/repoman-tox-env-centos7 tox
You can pass 'tox' parameters to the container as usual, e.g. to run the functional test suite:
sudo docker run -v /path/to/repoman/source:/mnt -u $UID -t -i marchukov/repoman-tox-env-centos7 tox -e functional
Since each run will create a new container, when debugging requires multiple runs, it is convenient to reuse a single container with an interactive shell:
sudo docker run -v /path/to/repoman/source:/mnt -u $UID -t -i marchukov/repoman-tox-env-centos7 bash
This will give you a shell and you can then run 'tox' there or do whatever else is necessary.
Along with repoman itself, this repo also provides a container image that uses repoman to build a package repository and then shares it over HTTP. This image is meant to be used as a builder image along with with OpenShift's source-to-image (s2i) tool to build repository container images.
To build the builder image using Docker, the following command can be used:
docker build . -f Dockerfile.s2i-repo -t repoman-repo-centos7
To build a repo container using the builder image one need to first create a
directory containing a file called repoman_sources.lst
. That files should
contain a list of repoman
sources to be included in the repo.
Once the file is ready the following command can be used to build the repo
container image (Assuning the directory was created at
s2i build ~/src/repoman_sources/ repoman-repo-centos7 my_repo
Given the command above the container will be created as my_repo
The repo container builder image provides two ways to add or update packges in an existing repo container image:
- Layered builds
- When using layered builds, we tak an existing repo container image and add a layer on top of it with the new packages included. The main benefit of this approach is in conserving disk space and bandwidth for machines that work with multiple versions of the same repo at the same time, or when pushing updates to a repo. The main shortcoming of this approach is that the images can only grow, since we keep adding layers, and removing packages does not free any space.
- Incremental builds
- Incremental builds leverage the s2i incremental build feature to create a new container image while avoiding the need to re-download repo artifacts by copying then from and older image at build time. The benefit of this approach is that we can get smaller container images when compared to layered images because we don't keep older layers around, but the overall disk space usage can end up being greater if we have multiple versions of the same repo in the same machine.
Example: To perform a layered build to add packages to an older repo container
image called my_repo
so that we get a new image called my_repo:new
run the following command (We assume the sources file was changed to include new
s2i build ~/src/repoman_sources/ my_repo my_repo:new
(In the example above, note that the older image is a used as the builder image
and not the repoman-repo-centos7
To perform an incremental build to add packages to the my_repo
image so that we get a new image of the same name with the new packages added,
we run the following command:
s2i build --incremental ~/src/repoman_sources/ repoman-repo-centos7 my_repo