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Social share and follow buttons (or privacy-friendly links)


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Octopress Social

Easy social integrations with Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Email and GitHub on any Jekyll site.

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If you're using bundler add this gem to your site's Gemfile in the :jekyll_plugins group:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'octopress-social'

Then install the gem with Bundler

$ bundle

To install manually without bundler:

$ gem install octopress-social

Then add the gem to your Jekyll configuration.

  - octopress-social


All configuration for this plugin is optional. Some features, like follow buttons or comment tags require username. Other than that all configurations are only necessary if you want to modify the output of the tags.

Configurations are set in your site's _config.yml. If for some reason these configurations conflict with another plugin, you can set them under the octopress_social key.

All tags respond to context. For example, in a post loop, {% tweet_button %} will automatically point to the current post. Used outside of a post loop, tags will refer to the current page.


Configure this plugin in your site's _config.yml. No configurations are required, just add your username if you want to use follow buttons or be mentioned in tweets. Here are the configuration defaults.

  username:                               # Add your Twitter handle
  tweet_count:         false              # Show number of shares on Twitter
  size:                normal             # Or large
  embedded_link_color:                    # Set link color for embedded tweets

  follow_count:        false              # Show number of followers
  tweet_message:       ":title by :username :hashtags - :url" # With Tweet button Twitter add the URL last
  tweet_link_text:     Twitter            # Configure the link text
  tweet_link_title:    Share on Twitter   # Share link title
  profile_link_text:   Follow :username
  profile_link_title:  Follow :username on Twitter  # Profile link title text

To include hashtags, in your tweet message add them in the YAML front matter of your post or page, like this:

twitter_hashtag: tech  # A single hashtag
twitter_hashtags:      # Multiple hashtags
 - tech
 - kittens

If your site has multiple authors, you can configure the author's twitter handle in a post's YAML front-matter and the tweet button (or link) will mention them in the default message.

twitter_username: some_author

You can also configure a different default message in your post or page's YAML front-matter:

tweet_message: "Yay Jekyll :title by :username - :url :hashtags"

Note: This plugin sets the twitter button's "do not track" setting to 'true'. I have no intention of making this configurable.

Twitter Tags

To use Twitter's fancy buttons you'll need to add this tag to your site's layout before the closing body tag.

{% twitter_script_tag %} # Injects Twitter's widget.js.

Sharing tags:

{% tweet_button %}
{% tweet_link %}          # Tweet with a (no js) link

The tweet button and tweet link will open a new page with a composed tweet in the format in your Twitter configuration, :title by :username - :url :hashtags.

Follow tags:

{% twitter_follow_button %}
{% twitter_profile_link %}

Embed a tweet:

{% tweet status_url %}Tweet Text{% endtweet %}

This will generate a blockquote, much like this one:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-link-color="" lang="">
<p>[Tweet Text]</p>
<a href="[tweet_url]"> — @[user]</a>

If you include the twitter widget.js in your site, this will automatically be replaced with one of Twitter's fancy embedded tweets.


Configure this plugin in your site's _config.yml.

You don't need to configure anything to start using this plugin but if you want to use the follow button or profile link, you'll need to add your profile_id.

To get your profile_id, take a section from the url to your profile page[profile_id].

Here are the defaults:

  app_id:                            # For a nicer (no js) sharing experience
  profile_id:                        # For follow button or profile link
  action:              like          # Or recommend
  share:               false         # Also add a share button
  layout:              button        # Choices: standard, box_count, button_count, button
  show_faces:          false
  colorscheme:         light         # Or dark
  kid_directed_site:   false         # Is your site directed at kids under 13?

  share_link_text:     Facebook            # Text for plain-old link
  share_link_title:    Share on Facebook   # Share link title text
  profile_link_text:   Friend on Facebook
  profile_link_title:  Friend on Facebook  # Profile link title text

  comment_count:       5             # Number of facebook comments to show by default
  comments_link_text:     Comments
  disabled_comments_text: Comments disabled  # Set to '' to output nothing when comments are disabled

These configurations are all based on Facebook's widget configuration spec, visit that site for more info.

Facebook APP ID

If you want to use the fancy share link (lets you set default content for the share), you'll need to get an app_id. For that you'll have to register as a developer and go through the process to create an 'app'. This is free and it doesn't mean you're developing software or anything, it's just how Facebook wants to do this. Once you've created an app, go to the "Basic settings page" by clicking settings, and then finding the "Basic" link. There you should be able to find your App ID.

Facebook Tags

To use Facebook's scripted features you'll need to add this tag to your site's layout before the closing body tag.

{% facebook_script_tag %} # Injects Facebook's widget.js.

Sharing tags:

{% facebook_like_button %}
{% facebook_send_button %}   # For private sharing
{% facebook_share_link %}    # share with a (no js) link

Friend and Follow tags:

{% facebook_follow_button %} # Requires a public profile
{% facebook_profile_link %}

Embed Facebook comments widget:

{% facebook_comments %}
{% facebook_comments_link %}   # Add a link that jumps right to your comments section.


Configure this plugin in your site's _config.yml. The only required configuration is your user id. Here are the defaults.

  id:                              # Your Google+ userid (for follow button or profile link)
  size:               medium       # choices: small, medium, standard, large
  width:                           # Specify width of button
  share_count:        false        # Show number of shares or +1s
  follow_count:       false        # Show numer of followers
  share_link_text:    Google+      # Text for plain-old link
  share_link_title:   Share on Google+   # Share link title
  profile_link_text:  Follow on Google+
  profile_link_title: Follow on Google+  # Profile link title

These configurations are based on Google's web sharing widgets.

Google+ Tags

To use Google's fancy buttons, you'll need to add this tag to your site's layout before the closing body tag.

{% gplus_script_tag %}   # Injects Google's widget.js.

Sharing tags:

{% gplus_one_button %}
{% gplus_share_button %}
{% gplus_share_link %}   # Share with a (no js) link

Follow tags:

{% gplus_follow_button %}
{% gplus_profile_link %}

Email sharing

Add convenient mail:to links which which helps readers contact you, or share your articles over email.

author:                # Your name

  address:             # Your contact email
  share_subject:       :title by :author
  share_message:       :title by :author - :url
  share_link_text:     Email
  share_link_title:    Share via email
  contact_link_text:   Email :author
  contact_link_title:  Email :author

The share_subject and share_message configurations are used to generate a subject and body for a sharing email link.

Email Tags

{% email_share_link %}    # Share a post or page over email
{% email_contact_link %}  # Contac the site's author

If you want, you may customize an email subject or message on any page or post by setting the email_share_subject and email_share_message variables in the YAML front-matter.


For now, this will just generate a GitHub profile link for you. Perhaps eventually I'll do some cool stuff with the API and project listing. Configure this plugin in your site's _config.yml.

  username:                                  # Your GitHub username
  profile_link_text:  :username on GitHub
  profile_link_title: :username on GitHub    # profile link title text

Disqus Comments

Configure this plugin in your site's _config.yml. The only required configuration is your Disqus shortname. Here are the defaults.

  shortname:                                       # Your site's disqus identifier
  comments_link_text: Comments                     # Text label for comments link
  comments_disabled_link_text: Comments disabled   # Set to '' to not output a comments link when disabled

In any page or post, you can add these configurations to the YAML front-matter.

disqus_identifier:     # Unique identifier for this page's comments (defaults to full url)
disqus_title:          # Custom title for comments metadata (defaults to page/post title)
comments: false        # Disable comments for this page or post

Disqus Tags

These tags will help you integrate Disqus comments into your site.

{% disqus_comments %}       # Embed comments on a page
{% disqus_comments_link %}  # Add a link that jumps right to your comments section.

Disqus has a script that lets you add comment count to the link, but it's so buggy, I'm not including it because I don't want to deal with the support. You can still add it to your site manually.


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/octopress-social/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Social share and follow buttons (or privacy-friendly links)







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