Releases: ogghst/grownode
HOMIE protocol support
GrowNode supports HOMIE 4.0.0 as messaging standard! We think this is a great step in standardization, making the boards able to be discovered and talk with most popular IoT controllers (OpenHab, Home Assistant, Node-RED etc.)
From 0.8.0 release, Homie terminology is converted in GrowNode as follows
- Homie Device -> GrowNode node
- Homie Node -> GrowNode leaf
- Homie Property -> Grownode parameter
v0.7.0 - synapses released
We developed a new concept in grownode - Synapses.
Synapses are representing the logic of a board. Scope of those components is to let the user command not only the sensor and actuators, but also the logic of how they behave together. Note: Synapses are currently coded as leaves. They differentiates only on the location, as they resides on grownode\synapses folder. All functionalities are completely identical to leaves.
Other than that, new features:
- nft1 board now uses synapses to autonomously set watering time and interval
- new leaf gn_bh1750 (thanks to @adamoferro ) to monitor light intensity
- refactoring from gn_leaf_param_write to gn_leaf_param_force
- bugfixes on parameters validators
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0
v0.6.1 - nft system board
this very simple new board has room for 4 relays and 1 PWM output. i'm using it for a test NFT system i'm building in my rooftop.
v0.6.0 - oscilloscope leaf
Working on a battery enabled board, i felt the need to debug the power consumption of my circuit. I started using INA219 breakout connected to an ESP32. So i thought.. why not creating a leaf using the grownode capabilities?
Here it is. A fully integrated solution with monitoring capabilites thanks to telegraf, influxdb and grafana live measurement.
See INA219 leaf and oscilloscope board pages in documentation for details.
Video of the working demo:
..And of course lot of bug fixing and performance enhancements. See commit log.
v0.5.0 - Deep and Light Sleep Implemented
It is now possible to run GrowNode with batteries!
I've just finalized the testing of Deep and Light sleep management. You can find a dedicated page on reference guide.
This is useful when you just need to record values from your hydroponic system at a specific time, like humidity or temperature. On a DevKit board, the power consumption i've recorded in deep sleep mode is around 15 mA, that means you can run your board for months without changing batteries.
Of course many other improvements are made, imcreasing reliability and reducing bugs. you can find them in commit log.
New board released - easypot1
Created a new board called easypot1 for beginners - details: doc website
- Soil moisture level detection with configurable low/high treshold
- Temperature detection
- Access to online tracking system to track your growing progress
The board is equipped with LED showing the need to water your plant, excess light and temperature out of target. They will start to blink fast when the parameters are exceeding a treshold, and low when getting lower than this.
first ready made release with blink example
An huge step forward.
- it contains code for hydroboard1 and hydroboard2 development boards
- main.c is now configured for a ready made blink example (blinking the onboard LED)
- lot of bug fixes and improvements into the core
I've marked it as a 'production ready' as the blink code works properly, but still a lot of work to do to complete my wish list :)
ESP32, ILI9341 display, Pump + Temperature + Controller leaves
this release is the first that includes a working implementation of display (touch enabled) and two simple leaves, a pump leaves (capable of controlling a motor via PWM), a temperature leave (capable of managing up to 4 DS18B20 temperature probes) and a controller (that simply turn on the pump when the temperature drops).
I suggest to try the application by using the test component.
although this is a pre-release, it is capable of showing all basic features of the platform.
leaf parameter on core
v0.1.1-alpha leaf parameter handling moved to core
First release
Only pump leaf working, networking and display included.