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project.clj, moves dev/test dependencies into :repl/:dev profiles.
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moves 'test' from 'main' into repl/strongbox/user.clj.
core.clj, replaces bz2 compressed catalogue with a simple string. two reasons:
1. it wasn't working at compile time like I thought.
2. regular strings are more compressible ultimately when building an AppImage.
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Torkus committed Apr 2, 2023
1 parent ced25d7 commit 54eb7fb
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Showing 8 changed files with 103 additions and 125 deletions.
41 changes: 24 additions & 17 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,33 @@ see for a more formal list of changes by release

## todo

* gui, raw data, 'key' column too small for 'supported-game-tracks'
* 'downloading strongbox data' shouldn't be blocking the gui from starting
- is the version check happening async too?

* user catalogue, what is happening now that regular, non-github, addons can be favourited?
- do they need to have their details refreshed?
- also, we have a github catalogue now, I bet the majority of these updates can be pulled directly from catalogues.
- it looks like refreshing the user catalogue is actually finding the addon in the catalogue, expandinging it and then installing it
- I don't think it should be installed!
- at least, finding and installing should be separate steps
- for example, import-addon should find-addon then install-addon
- and refresh-user-catalogue-item should be find-addon and then update-catalogue
- and doesn't the catalogue it's looing in already contain the user-catalogue?

* user catalogue, schedule refreshes
- ensure the user catalogue doesn't get too stale and perform an update in the background if it looks like it's very old
- update README
- perhaps a preference?

* user catalogue, refreshing may guarantee exceeding github limit.
- if we know this, add a warning? refuse?

* user catalogue, add a 'add to user-catalogue' option to make an addon always available despite selected catalogue
- done, via favouriting, but! it's not available on the installed addon pane page

* search, a 'clear' button
- resets favourited, search input, tags, etc

* 'downloading strongbox data' shouldn't be blocking the gui from starting

* size of addon on disk
- I'd like to see a column with 'size on disk'
- "1024KiB", "1MiB", "1.04MB"
Expand All @@ -35,20 +55,7 @@ see for a more formal list of changes by release
* display github requests remaining
- ...

* user catalogue, schedule refreshes
- ensure the user catalogue doesn't get too stale and perform an update in the background if it looks like it's very old
- update README
- perhaps a preference?

* user catalogue, what is happening now that regular, non-github, addons can be favourited?
- do they need to have their details refreshed?
- also, we have a github catalogue now, I bet the majority of these updates can be pulled directly from catalogues.

* user catalogue, refreshing my guarantee exceeding github limit.
- if we know this, add a warning? refuse?

* user catalogue, add a 'add to user-catalogue' option to make an addon always available despite selected catalogue
- done, via favouriting, but! it's not available on the installed addon pane page
* gui, raw data, 'key' column too small for 'supported-game-tracks'

## todo bucket (no particular order)

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18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions project.clj
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[org.flatland/ordered "1.5.9"] ;; better ordered map
[ "0.3.3"] ;; date/time handling library,
[envvar "1.1.2"] ;; environment variable wrangling
[gui-diff "0.6.7" :exclusions [net.cgrant/parsley]] ;; pops up a graphical diff for test results
[com.taoensso/tufte "2.2.0"] ;; profiling
[tolitius/lasync "0.1.23"] ;; better parallel processing

[cljfx "1.7.19" :exclusions [org.openjfx/javafx-web
[cljfx "1.7.22" :exclusions [org.openjfx/javafx-web
[cljfx/css "1.1.0"]

Expand All @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@

;; GPLv3 compatible dependencies.
;; these don't need an exception in LICENCE.txt
[org.apache.commons/commons-compress "1.21"] ;; Apache 2.0 licenced, bz2 compression/decompression of static catalogue
[org.ocpsoft.prettytime/prettytime "5.0.2.Final"] ;; Apache 2.0 licenced, pretty date formatting
[org.controlsfx/controlsfx "11.1.1"] ;; BSD-3

Expand All @@ -66,16 +63,22 @@

:resource-paths ["resources"]

:profiles {:dev {:plugins [[lein-ancient "0.7.0"]]
:profiles {:repl {:source-paths ["repl"]}
:dev {:plugins [[lein-ancient "0.7.0"]]
:resource-paths ["dev-resources" "resources"] ;; dev-resources take priority
:dependencies [[clj-http-fake "1.0.3"] ;; fake http responses for testing
[gui-diff "0.6.7" :exclusions [net.cgrant/parsley]] ;; pops up a graphical diff for test results

:uberjar {:aot :all
;; fixes hanging issue:
;; -
:injections [(javafx.application.Platform/exit)]
:jvm-opts ["-Dclojure.compiler.disable-locals-clearing=true"
"-Dclojure.compiler.elide-meta=[:doc :file :line :added]"

:repl-options {:init-ns strongbox.user} ;; see repl/strongbox/user.clj

;; debug output from JavaFX about which GTK it is looking for.
;; was useful in figuring out why javafx was failing to initialise even with xvfb.
Expand All @@ -97,5 +100,6 @@
;;:unused-fn-args ;; prefer to keep for readability
;;:keyword-typos ;; bugged with spec?
:only-modified true}
:only-modified true
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions repl/strongbox/user.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
(ns strongbox.user
(:refer-clojure :rename {test clj-test})
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer [spy info warn error report]]
[ :as tn :refer [refresh]]
[main :as main]
[catalogue :as catalogue]
[http :as http]
[core :as core]
[utils :as utils :refer [in?]]
;;[cli :as cli]
[gui.diff :refer [with-gui-diff]]

(defn test
[& [ns-kw fn-kw]]
( ;; reloads all namespaces, including strongbox.whatever-test ones
(utils/instrument true) ;; always test with spec checking ON

;; note! remember to update `cloverage.clj` with any new bindings
(with-redefs [core/*testing?* true
http/*default-pause* 1 ;; ms
http/*default-attempts* 1
;; don't pause while testing. nothing should depend on that pause happening.
;; note! this is different to `joblib/tick-delay` not delaying when `joblib/*tick*` is unbound.
;; tests still bind `joblib/*tick*` and run things in parallel.
;;joblib/tick-delay joblib/*tick*
;;main/*spec?* true
;;cli/install-update-these-in-parallel cli/install-update-these-serially
;;core/check-for-updates core/check-for-updates-serially
;; for testing purposes, no addon host is disabled
catalogue/host-disabled? (constantly false)]

(if ns-kw
(if (some #{ns-kw} [:main :utils :http
:core :toc :nfo :zip :config :catalogue :addon :logging :joblib
:cli :gui :jfx
:curseforge-api :wowinterface-api :gitlab-api :github-api :tukui-api
(if fn-kw
;; `test-vars` will run the test but not give feedback if test passes OR test not found
;; slightly better than nothing
(clojure.test/test-vars [(resolve (symbol (str "strongbox." (name ns-kw) "-test") (name fn-kw)))])
(clojure.test/run-all-tests (re-pattern (str "strongbox." (name ns-kw) "-test"))))
(error "unknown test file:" ns-kw))
(clojure.test/run-all-tests #"strongbox\..*-test")))
;; use case: we run the tests from the repl and afterwards we call `restart` to start the app.
;; `stop` inside `restart` will be outside of `with-redefs` and still have logging `:min-level` set to `:debug`
;; it will dump a file and yadda yadda.
7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions src/strongbox/catalogue.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[orchestra.core :refer [defn-spec]]
[taoensso.timbre :as log :refer [debug info warn error spy]]
[taoensso.tufte :as tufte :refer [p]]
[constants :as constants]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,8 +129,7 @@
(defn-spec format-catalogue-data :catalogue/catalogue
"returns a correctly formatted, ordered, catalogue given a list of addons and a datestamp"
[addon-list :addon/summary-list, datestamp ::sp/ymd-dt]
(let [addon-list (p :cat/sort-addons
(sort-by :name addon-list))]
(let [addon-list (sort-by :name addon-list)]
{:spec {:version 2}
:datestamp datestamp
:total (count addon-list)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,8 +158,7 @@
(defn validate
"validates the given data as a `:catalogue/catalogue`, returning nil if data is invalid"
(p :catalogue:validate
(sp/valid-or-nil :catalogue/catalogue catalogue)))
(sp/valid-or-nil :catalogue/catalogue catalogue))

(defn-spec write-catalogue (s/or :ok ::sp/extant-file, :error nil?)
"write catalogue to given `output-file` as JSON. returns path to output file"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/strongbox/core.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
(def static-catalogue
"a bz2 compressed copy of the full catalogue used when the remote catalogue is unavailable or corrupt.
from this we can do per-host filtering as well as shortening to generate the other catalogues."
(utils/compressed-slurp "full-catalogue.json"))
(utils/compile-time-slurp "full-catalogue.json"))

(defn generate-path-map
"filesystem paths whose location may vary based on the current working directory, environment variables, etc.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,7 +674,7 @@
"derives the requested catalogue from the static catalogue."
[catalogue-location :catalogue/location]
(let [opts {}
catalogue (catalogue/read-catalogue (.getBytes (utils/decompress-bytes static-catalogue)) opts)
catalogue (catalogue/read-catalogue (.getBytes static-catalogue) opts)
catalogue (assoc catalogue :emergency? true)]

(warn (utils/message-list (format "the remote catalogue is unreachable or corrupt: %s" (:source catalogue-location))
Expand Down
53 changes: 1 addition & 52 deletions src/strongbox/main.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,24 +1,17 @@
(ns strongbox.main
(:refer-clojure :rename {test clj-test})
[taoensso.timbre :as timbre :refer [spy info warn error report]]
[ :as tn :refer [refresh]]
[clojure.string :refer [lower-case]]
[me.raynes.fs :as fs]
[catalogue :as catalogue]
[http :as http]
;;[joblib :as joblib]
[core :as core]
[utils :as utils :refer [in?]]
;; warning! requiring cljfx starts the javafx application thread.
;; this is a pita for exiting a non-javafx UI (cli) and aot as it just 'hangs'.
;; hanging aot is handled in project.clj, but dynamic inclusion of jfx is handled here.
;;[jfx :as jfx]
[cli :as cli]]
[gui.diff :refer [with-gui-diff]])
[cli :as cli]])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,56 +71,12 @@
(Thread/sleep 750) ;; gives me time to switch panes
(start cli-opts))

(defn test
[& [ns-kw fn-kw]]
( ;; reloads all namespaces, including strongbox.whatever-test ones
(utils/instrument true) ;; always test with spec checking ON

;; note! remember to update `cloverage.clj` with any new bindings
(with-redefs [core/*testing?* true
http/*default-pause* 1 ;; ms
http/*default-attempts* 1
;; don't pause while testing. nothing should depend on that pause happening.
;; note! this is different to `joblib/tick-delay` not delaying when `joblib/*tick*` is unbound.
;; tests still bind `joblib/*tick*` and run things in parallel.
;;joblib/tick-delay joblib/*tick*
;;main/*spec?* true
;;cli/install-update-these-in-parallel cli/install-update-these-serially
;;core/check-for-updates core/check-for-updates-serially
;; for testing purposes, no addon host is disabled
catalogue/host-disabled? (constantly false)]

(if ns-kw
(if (some #{ns-kw} [:main :utils :http
:core :toc :nfo :zip :config :catalogue :addon :logging :joblib
:cli :gui :jfx
:curseforge-api :wowinterface-api :gitlab-api :github-api :tukui-api
(if fn-kw
;; `test-vars` will run the test but not give feedback if test passes OR test not found
;; slightly better than nothing
(clojure.test/test-vars [(resolve (symbol (str "strongbox." (name ns-kw) "-test") (name fn-kw)))])
(clojure.test/run-all-tests (re-pattern (str "strongbox." (name ns-kw) "-test")))))
(error "unknown test file:" ns-kw))
(clojure.test/run-all-tests #"strongbox\..*-test")))
;; use case: we run the tests from the repl and afterwards we call `restart` to start the app.
;; `stop` inside `restart` will be outside of `with-redefs` and still have logging `:min-level` set to `:debug`
;; it will dump a file and yadda yadda.


(defn usage
(str "Usage: ./strongbox [--action] [--addons-dir]\n\n" (:summary parsed-opts)))


(def cli-options
[["-h" "--help"]

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28 changes: 4 additions & 24 deletions src/strongbox/utils.clj
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(or (get constants/releases major-minor)
(get constants/releases major))))

(defn-spec compressed-slurp (s/or :ok bytes?, :no-resource nil?)
"returns the bz2 compressed bytes of the given resource file `resource`.
returns `nil` if the file can't be found."
[resource string?]
(let [input-file ( resource)]
(when input-file
(with-open [out (]
(with-open [cos (.createCompressorOutputStream (CompressorStreamFactory.) CompressorStreamFactory/BZIP2, out)]
( ( input-file) cos))
;; compressed output stream (cos) needs to be closed to flush any remaining bytes
(.toByteArray out)))))

(defn-spec decompress-bytes (s/or :ok string?, :nil-or-empty-bytes nil?)
"decompresses the given `bz2-bytes` as bz2, returning a string.
if bytes are empty or `nil`, returns `nil`.
if bytes are not bz2 compressed, throws an `IOException`."
[bz2-bytes (s/nilable bytes?)]
(when-not (empty? bz2-bytes)
(with-open [is ( bz2-bytes)]
(with-open [cin (.createCompressorInputStream (CompressorStreamFactory.) CompressorStreamFactory/BZIP2, is)]
(slurp cin))
(catch CompressorException ce
(throw (.getCause ce)))))))
(defmacro compile-time-slurp
`(slurp ( ~resource)))

18 changes: 0 additions & 18 deletions test/strongbox/utils_test.clj
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(doseq [[given expected] cases]
(is (= expected (utils/patch-name given))))))

(deftest compressed-slurp
(let [expected "foo!"]
(is (= expected (utils/decompress-bytes (utils/compressed-slurp "foo.txt"))))))

(deftest compressed-slurp--not-found
(is (nil? (utils/compressed-slurp "file-that-definitely-does-not-exist.txt"))))

(deftest decompress-bytes--empty
(is (nil? (utils/decompress-bytes (.getBytes ""))))
(is (nil? (utils/decompress-bytes nil))))

(deftest decompress-bytes--not-compressed
(let [result (try
(utils/decompress-bytes (.getBytes "!"))
(catch ioe
(is (instance? result))
(is (= "Stream is not in the BZip2 format" (.getMessage result)))))

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