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Install on Raspberry Pi

089git edited this page Jun 23, 2019 · 1 revision

I just wanted to share how I get this running on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running stretch without using any additional USB serial converterts.

The s4.go function findUsbSerialModem is looking for a /dev/cu.usbmodem device - plugin in the device created a /dev/ttyACM0 for me. Also, I wasn't able to connect it either (tried screen command or minimodem).

I found the solution here: :

  • Get the Device ID information using "lsusb" (had to install it using apt-get install).
  • Then saying the device id is xxxx yyyy run the below:
  1. Unplug the device
  2. modprobe ftdi_sio
  3. sudo sh -c "echo xxxx yyyy > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/ftdi_sio/new_id"
  4. Plug in the device

With this I changed the s4.go function findUsbSerialModem to find names containing "ttyACM0".

With this it everything works really nice.

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