SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright (c) 2017 Intel Corporation
- Introduction
The OMEC project is an open source LTE EPC development under Open Networking Foundation (ONF) consortium. Under OMEC, there are a suite of projects working together to create EPC solutions. The ‘spgwc’ project provides Gateway components of the EPC. This project provides sgw-c, pgw-c components.
- Scope
spgwc can be run on variety of servers running as a standalone application. It can run as POD in K8s deployment.
- Feature List
The SPGW-C currently supports the following SAE-GW features:
- All developement is based on 3gpp release 15 specifications
- CUPS compliant
- Supports multiple SPGWU connectivity.
- PFCP & GTP heartbeat support
- KPIs exported in prometheus.
- IPv4 support
- UPF selection based on DNS, local policy,
- Multiple APN Support
- Configuration update support
- Initial Attach support
- MME/HSS initiated detach support
- PFCP - session create,modify,delete
- S1 Release procedure
- Service Request procedure
- Dedicated bearer create/modify/delete
- Bearer Update
- SGW relocation
- WIP - Gx interface. Testing in progress. CCR-I,CCR-U,CCR-T,RAR support
- Restoration procedure support
- GTPC, PFCP Echo support
- High Level Design
Please read, more documentation under the docs directory. Those documents should give more details about the supported features and design.
- Build, install, configure and test
Please refer to install_notes