This is just a project for learning various languages and their syntax and tools, over the years I have seen various questions about these things on Stack Overflow and Reddit and I thought I'd try my hand at generating a bunch of examples. This readme-file is a mess and the languages and install instructions are added as I add more languages. In the future I will format it better but I'm still thinking of code examples I can make.
Featured language examples:
Assembler x64
Ada Common Lisp
Bash Lua
C Nim
C# Perl
Elixir PowerShell
Fortran (GNU) Python 3
FreePascal Ruby
GoLang Rust
Haskell Scala
Java SmallTalk (GNU)
JavaScript VB.NET
Featured language examples:
Ada Common Lisp
Bash Lua
C Nim
C# Perl
Elixir PowerShell
Fortran (GNU) Python 3
FreePascal Ruby
GoLang Rust
Haskell Scala
Java SmallTalk (GNU)
JavaScript VB.NET
Featured language examples:
Ada Common Lisp
Bash Lua
C Nim
C# Perl
Elixir PowerShell
Fortran (GNU) Python 3
FreePascal Ruby
GoLang Rust
Haskell Scala
Java SmallTalk (GNU)
JavaScript VB.NET
C Rust
Zig, Prolog, Erlang, Never, Forth, Red, Crystal, Dart, Perl6/Raku, D, Clojure
Note: these installation packages will most likely work in Debian and Ubuntu as well.
If you use Debian, Ubuntu, Kali and so on full install:
$ sudo apt install kali-linux-large
In that case: nasm, go, gcc, js, java, python3, perl, php and ruby might be pre-installed.
Otherwise find these packages.
These might need to be installed:
Install Ada: $ sudo apt install gnat-10
Install Haskell: $ sudo apt install ghc
Install Common Lisp: $ sudo apt install clisp
Install Lua: $ sudo apt install lua5.4
Install Scala: $ sudo apt install scala
Install Smalltalk: $ sudo apt install gnu-smalltalk
Install Rust: $ sudo apt install rustc
Install Basic256: $ sudo apt install basic256
Install Nim: $ sudo apt install nim
Install Go: $ sudo apt install golang
Install Fortran: $ sudo apt install gfortran
Install Free Pascal: $ sudo apt install fp-compiler-3.2.0
Install Julia: $ sudo apt install julia
For the rust rand program to compile/work you might need:
$ sudo apt install librust-rand-dev libssl-dev
$ cargo install cargo-edit
Add /home/<youruser>/.cargo.bin to path:
$ nano /home/<youruser>/.bashrc
ADD this line to the end of the file:
export PATH="/home/<youruser>/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
Start PowerShell by typing: $ pwsh
C#, like Python offers an interactive shell. You start it by typing csharp
in your console, just like idle
or python3
Feel free to comment or add suggestions for more languages.