Use Google Notes UI to manipulate lists or notes and use their labels as triggers to print them with an Epson TM-T88V. Confirmed working on NanoPiNeo running Armbian! See link for installation instructions
- Use and Assign labels to notes on Google Keep Notes mobile app in order to trigger specific events.
- Can trigger any event or script running on 'listener' GkeepAPI python script
- Label a note, 'print-me' and it will be sent to thermal printer
- Will [essentially] print note as efficiently as possible. ie: As many checkboxes/characters on a single line without sperating one checkbox onto multiple lines
- Label a note 'X' to reorganize it and create/upload a copy of it to Google Keeps app. Example: link
- Label a note 'grocery-list' and it will be reorganize it by aisle and alphabetically to convert an otherwise random grocery list into the most efficient buying route
getNotesWith(label='grocery-list', ordered='grocery')
- keyring
- gkeepapi
- escpos
- requests (if saving images locally that were stored in a note)
- gkeepapi library documentation:
- escpos library documentation:
- Epson TM-T88V driver and installation on debian system:
- This tech reference PDF:
- This guys guide, a bit more info than necessary but vital info for testing on Windows machine:
Add Windows installation instructions