Main data are in the file car-amount-rate.csv
and column car-amount-rate describes amount of car for 1000 people by eurostat standarts
Clone the repository
Requires Python 3.
Create a virtual environment and activate it
pip install venv
python -m venv /path/to/localrepo
Swicth to venv directory by using cd comand
cd /path/to/localrepo
Install dependecies in venv by using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the project:
python scripts/
Data collected from
We extracted the data from these sources and put it in the acrhive folder as quarters.xlsx .
We processed the original data to bring them back to normal, and extracted several aggregated datasets from them into the Data folder:
- contains information of 2022 yeardatapackage.json
- contains all the key information about our datasetcar-amount-rate.csv
- contains data about number of cars for 1000 peoplecity_population
- data about population in each region collected from repository city-population
- runs the script
This dataset is licensed under the Open Data Commons Public Domain and Dedication License.