This is a standalone backend plugin for use with HashiCorp Vault.
This plugin provides a secure wrapper around OAuth 2 authorization code, refresh token, device code, and client credentials grant types, allowing a Vault client to request authorization on behalf of a user and perform actions using a negotiated OAuth 2 access token.
Once you have the binary, you will need to register the plugin with Vault.
Follow the instructions in the Vault
to add the plugin to the catalog. We will assume it is registered under the name
Enable the plugin at the path of your choosing:
$ vault secrets enable -path=oauth2 oauthapp
Success! Enabled the oauthapp secrets engine at: oauth2/
Configure it with the necessary information to exchange tokens:
$ vault write oauth2/servers/github-puppetlabs \
provider=github \
client_id=aBcD3FgHiJkLmN0pQ \
Success! Data written to: oauth2/servers/github-puppetlabs
Once the client secret has been written, it will never be exposed again.
You can have as many server configurations as you need for your use case, although it is common to only have one. Server configurations need not share the same provider.
It is also possible to configure a default server:
$ vault write oauth2/config default_server=github-puppetlabs
Success! Data written to: oauth2/config
When a default server is set in the plugin configuration, it isn't necessary to
specify the server
field when writing credentials.
From a Vault client, request an authorization code URL:
$ vault write oauth2/auth-code-url \
server=github-puppetlabs \
state=foo \
Key Value
--- -----
If you don't specify a state value, the plugin will generate one for you and return it in the response as well.
After redirecting the user to that URL and receiving the resulting temporary authorization code in your callback handler, you can create a permanent credential that automatically refreshes:
$ vault write oauth2/creds/my-user-auth \
server=github-puppetlabs \
Success! Data written to: oauth2/creds/my-user-auth
Assuming the refresh token remains valid, an access token is available any time at the same endpoint:
$ vault read oauth2/creds/my-user-auth
Key Value
--- -----
access_token nLlBg9Lmd7n1X96bw/xcW9HvyOHzxj19z3zXKv0XXxr8eLjQSerf4iyPDRCucSHQN+c7fnKhPsSWbWg0
server github-puppetlabs
type Bearer
Note that the client secret and refresh token are never exposed to Vault clients.
Alternatively, if a refresh token is obtained in some other way you can skip the auth code URL step and pass the token directly to the creds write instead of the response code:
$ vault write oauth2/creds/my-user-auth \
server=github-puppetlabs \
grant_type=refresh_token \
Success! Data written to: oauth2/creds/my-user-auth
The device code grant type allows a user to authenticate outside of a browser session. This plugin supports the device code flow and automatically handles polling the authorization server for a valid access token.
Not all providers support device code grants. Check the provider's documentation for more information.
To initiate the device code flow:
$ vault write oauth2/creds/my-user-auth \
server=github-puppetlabs \
Key Value
--- -----
expire_time 2021-03-10T23:35:00.295229233Z
user_code BDWD-HQPK
The plugin will manage the device code (similar to a refresh token) and will never present it to you. You should forward the user code and verification URL to the authorization subject for them to take action to log in.
Initially, when you try to read the credential back, you'll get an error letting you know the token is pending issuance because the user hasn't yet performed the required verification steps:
$ vault read oauth2/creds/my-user-auth
Error reading oauth2/creds/my-user-auth: Error making API request.
URL: GET http://localhost:8200/v1/oauth2/creds/my-user-auth
Code: 400. Errors:
* token pending issuance
However, within a few seconds of the user verifying their identity, you should see the access token:
$ vault read oauth2/creds/my-user-auth
Key Value
--- -----
access_token aGVsbG8gaGVsbG8gaGVsbG8K
expire_time 2021-03-27T00:15:38.72796606Z
server github-puppetlabs
type Bearer
From a Vault client, configure a server that supports the client credentials
grant type and write a credential under the self
endpoint that references the
$ vault write oauth2/servers/auth0-example \
provider=oidc \
provider_options=issuer_url= \
client_id=aBcD3FgHiJkLmN0pQ \
Success! Data written to: oauth2/servers/auth0-example
$ vault write oauth2/self/my-machine-auth \
server=auth0-example \
token_url_params=audience= \
Success! Data written to: oauth2/self/my-machine-auth
The token will be negotiated on demand going forward using the desired configuration:
$ vault read oauth2/self/my-machine-auth
Key Value
--- -----
access_token SSBhbSBzbyBzbWFydC4gUy1NLVItVC4=
expire_time 2021-01-16T15:38:21.105335834Z
scopes [read:users]
server auth0-example
token_url_params map[audience:]
type Bearer
For some operations, you may find that you need to provide a map of data for a
field. When using the Vault CLI, you can repeat the name of the field for each
key-value pair of the map and use =
to separate keys from values. For example:
$ vault write oauth2/servers/oidc-example \
provider_options=issuer_url= \
For instructions on how to upgrade from previous versions of the plugin, see the UPGRADING document.
There are several categories of performance tuning options you may want to
adjust to get the most out of this plugin. All of the options are fields set
when writing this plugin's configuration to the config
It can be inconvenient when a provider you're working with doesn't respond to requests in a reasonable time. Therefore, we apply a default timeout of 30 seconds to all outbound requests. We also allow for a bit of leeway when a token is getting close to its expiry, preferring to wait longer to avoid clients having to retry requests to Vault. This is applied using a logarithmic algorithm relative to the usual grace period we'd use for refreshing.
You can set the initial provider timeout using the
option. If you set it to 0, we won't apply any
The default leeway factor is 1.5, i.e., a maximum timeout of 45 seconds when a
token is close to expiration. You can set a different factor using the
option. To disable timeout scaling,
set the leeway factor to 1.
The provider timeout is applied when a request is made to a provider. If a plugin endpoint might make multiple requests to a provider, for example if multiple client secrets are specified in a server configuration, the total request time for a client of this plugin may be significantly higher than the value of the provider timeout.
To avoid having to contact providers when tokens are read from storage and need to be refreshed, this plugin will automatically check and attempt to refresh tokens that are close to expiring on a regular interval. The default check interval is 1 minute. The refresh check has a grace period, called the expiry delta, that extends beyond the refresh check interval to allow for some overlap. The default expiry delta factor is 1.2, or 72 seconds.
You can set the refresh check interval using the
option and the expiry delta factor using
the tune_refresh_expiry_delta_factor
If you don't need this behavior, for example because your provider doesn't use
refresh tokens, you can set tune_refresh_check_interval_seconds
to 0.
Alternatively, if you have a relatively small number of tokens and your provider issues tokens with very long expirations, you may want to use a longer refresh interval than the default to avoid having to loop over all credentials in storage every minute.
There are a number of situations that result in stored tokens becoming unusable. Broadly, we group these into the following categories:
- Expired with no refresh token
- Expired and refresh failed because the provider rejected the refresh request
- Expired and enough transient errors have occurred to discard the token (for example, instead of rejecting a token, the provider hangs the connection)
- Expired and the server referenced by the credential no longer exists
This plugin can automatically delete tokens that are expired and meet one of
these criteria using a process called reaping. Like the automatic refreshing,
reaping runs on an interval, by default 5 minutes. You can change the reap
interval using the tune_reap_check_interval_seconds
You can disable the reaper entirely by setting the option to 0, or you can
enable a dry run mode using the tune_reap_dry_run
option. When in dry run
mode, you can check your Vault server logs to see which credentials would be
The criteria are mutually exclusive, so for example, a token that has a provider refresh rejection will always have that criterion applied to it, even if it also has transient errors.
Each of the criteria have their own tuning options documented in the config
endpoint. Note that the defaults should be reasonable for most users. You can
disable any of the criteria by setting its corresponding option to 0.
Retrieve the current configuration settings.
Write new configuration settings. This endpoint completely replaces the existing configuration, so you must specify all desired fields, even when updating.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
default_server |
The name of the authorization server to use as a default if not specified when configuring a credential. | String | None1 | No |
tune_provider_timeout_seconds |
Maximum duration to wait for a response from the provider for background credential operations. | Integer | 30 | No |
tune_provider_timeout_expiry_leeway_factor |
A multiplier for the tune_provider_timeout_seconds option to allow a slow provider to respond as a credential approaches expiration. Must be at least 1. |
Number | 1.5 | No |
tune_refresh_check_interval_seconds |
Number of seconds between checking tokens for refresh. Set to 0 to disable automatic background refreshing. | Integer | 60 | No |
tune_refresh_expiry_delta_factor |
A multiplier for the refresh check interval to use to detect tokens that will expire soon after the impending refresh. Must be at least 1. | Number | 1.2 | No |
tune_reap_check_interval_seconds |
Number of seconds between running the reaper process. Set to 0 to disable automatic reaping of expired credentials. | Integer | 3002 | No |
tune_reap_dry_run |
If set, the reaper process will only report which credentials it would remove, but not actually delete them from storage. | Boolean | False | No |
tune_reap_non_refreshable_seconds |
Minimum additional time to wait before automatically deleting an expired credential that does not have a refresh token. Set to 0 to disable this reaping criterion. | Integer | 86400 | No |
tune_reap_revoked_seconds |
Minimum additional time to wait before automatically deleting an expired credential that has a revoked refresh token. Set to 0 to disable this reaping criterion. | Integer | 3600 | No |
tune_reap_transient_error_attempts |
Minimum number of refresh attempts to make before automatically deleting an expired credential. Set to 0 to disable this reaping criterion. | Integer | 10 | No |
tune_reap_transient_error_seconds |
Minimum additional time to wait before automatically deleting an expired credential that cannot be refreshed because of a transient problem like network connectivity issues. Set to 0 to disable this reaping criterion. | Integer | 86400 | No |
tune_reap_server_deleted_seconds |
Minimum additional time to wait before automatically deleting an expired credential that no longer references a valid server. Set to 0 to disable this reaping criterion. | Integer | 86400 | No |
Remove the current configuration, resetting tuning options to the plugin defaults.
Show the names of all currently available servers.
Retrieve the configuration for a given server (except the client secret).
Create or update the configuration for a given server.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
client_id |
The OAuth 2.0 client ID. | String | None | Yes |
client_secret |
The OAuth 2.0 client secret. Prepended to the value of client_secrets if it is also present. |
String | None | No |
client_secrets |
An ordered list of OAuth 2.0 client secrets to try. Appended to the value of client_secret if it is also present. |
List of String | None | No |
auth_url_params |
A map of additional query string parameters to provide to the authorization code URL. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | No |
provider |
The name of the provider to use. See the list of providers. | String | None | Yes |
provider_options |
Options to configure the specified provider. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | Refer to provider documentation |
Remove the configuration for a given server. Note that this does not revoke any stored credentials that reference the server name, but those credentials will no longer be able to be updated automatically.
If you write a new server configuration with the same name, existing credentials that reference the server will start to use it.
Retrieve an authorization code URL for the given server. Some providers may not provide the plugin with information about this URL, in which case accessing this endpoint will return an error.
This operation does not change any underlying storage, but because the state parameter is sensitive, we use a write operation and include it in the request body to prevent proxies from inadvertently logging it.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
server |
The name of a server to use for the authorization code exchange flow. Inherits from the plugin configuration's default_server field if present, and may override it. |
String | Inherited | Yes |
auth_url_params |
A map of additional query string parameters to provide to the authorization code URL. If any keys in this map conflict with the parameters stored in the configuration, the configuration's parameters take precedence. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | No |
redirect_url |
The URL to redirect to once the user has authorized this application. | String | None | No |
scopes |
A list of explicit scopes to request. | List of String | None | No |
state |
The unique state to send to the authorization URL. Automatically generated if not provided. | String | None | No |
provider_options |
A list of options to pass on to the provider for configuring the authorization code URL. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | Refer to provider documentation |
This path is for tokens to be obtained using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code, refresh token, and device code flows.
Retrieve a current access token for the given credential. Reuses previous token
if it is not yet expired or close to it. Otherwise, requests a new credential
using the refresh_token
grant type if possible.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
minimum_seconds |
Minimum additional duration to require the access token to be valid for. | Integer | 103 | No |
Create or update a credential using a supported three-legged flow. This operation will make a request for a new credential using the specified grant type.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
server |
The name of a server to use for the credential flow. Inherits from the plugin configuration's default_server field if present, and may override it. |
String | Inherited | Yes |
grant_type |
The grant type to use. Must be one of authorization_code , refresh_token , or urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code . |
String | authorization_code 4 |
Yes |
maximum_expiry_seconds |
The upper limit for a token's valid duration. The lesser of this value and the expiry provided in the response will be used. If the server does not provide an expiry (i.e., the server considers the token to be valid indefinitely), this parameter takes precedence and the token will be refreshed if possible. | Integer | None | No |
provider_options |
A list of options to pass on to the provider for configuring this token exchange. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | Refer to provider documentation |
This operation takes additional parameters depending on which grant type is chosen:
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
code |
The response code to exchange for a full token. | String | None | Yes |
redirect_url |
The same redirect URL as specified in the authorization code URL. | String | None | Refer to provider documentation |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
refresh_token |
The refresh token retrieved from the provider by some means external to this plugin. | String | None | Yes |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
device_code |
A device code that has already been retrieved. If not specified, a new device code will be retrieved. | String | None | No |
scopes |
If a device code is not specified, the scopes to request. | List of String | None | No |
Remove the credential information from storage. This does not revoke the token, so keep in mind that applications may hold any requested access token until its expiry.
This path is for tokens to be obtained using the OAuth 2.0 client credentials flow.
Retrieve a current access token for the underlying OAuth 2.0 application. Reuses
previous token if it is not yet expired or close to it. Otherwise, requests a
new credential using the client_credentials
grant type.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
minimum_seconds |
Minimum additional duration to require the access token to be valid for. | Integer | 103 | No |
Configure a client credentials grant for the credential with the given name.
Writing configuration will cause a new token to be retrieved and validated using
the client_credentials
grant type.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
server |
The name of a server to use for the credential flow. Inherits from the plugin configuration's default_server field if present, and may override it. |
String | Inherited | Yes |
token_url_params |
A map of additional query string parameters to provide to the token URL. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | No |
scopes |
A list of explicit scopes to request. | List of String | None | No |
maximum_expiry_seconds |
The upper limit for a token's valid duration. The lesser of this value and the expiry provided in the response will be used. If the server does not provide an expiry (i.e., the server considers the token to be valid indefinitely), this parameter takes precedence. | Integer | None | No |
provider_options |
A list of options to pass on to the provider for configuring this token exchange. | Map of Stringš ¦String | None | No |
Remove the credential information from storage.
This path is for tokens to be obtained using the RFC 8693 token exchange
flow. The credential identified
by the name
path parameter must be an existing credential that exists under
the corresponding creds/:name
Retrieve a new access token by performing a token exchange request on demand. The token exchange operation sends the access token from the corresponding credential as the subject token and explicitly requests a new access token from the authorization server. Reuses previous token that was made with the same parameters if the provider specified an expiration time and the token is not yet expired or close to it.
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
scopes |
A list of explicit scopes to request. | List of String | None | No |
audiences |
A list of explicit audiences to request. | List of String | None | No |
resources |
A list of explicit resources to request. | List of String | None | No |
minimum_seconds |
Minimum additional duration to require the access token to be valid for. | Integer | 103 | No |
Name | Description | Default | Required |
extra_data_fields |
A comma-separated list of subject fields to expose in the credential endpoint. Valid fields are id_token , id_token_claims , and user_info . |
None | No |
Name | Description | Supported flows | Default | Required |
nonce |
The same nonce as specified in the authorization code URL. | Authorization code exchange | None | If present in the authorization code URL |
Name | Description | Default | Required |
tenant |
The tenant to authenticate to. | organizations |
No |
Name | Description | Default | Required |
tenant |
The tenant to authenticate to. Ignored if the tenant option is specified in the server configuration. |
Inherited | No |
Name | Description | Supported flows | Default | Required |
tenant |
The tenant to authenticate to. Ignored if the tenant option is specified in the server configuration. |
All | Inherited | No |
This provider implements the OpenID Connect protocol version 1.0.
Name | Description | Default | Required |
issuer_url |
The URL to an issuer of OpenID JWTs with an accessible .well-known/openid-configuration resource. |
None | Yes |
extra_data_fields |
A comma-separated list of subject fields to expose in the credential endpoint. Valid fields are id_token , id_token_claims , and user_info . |
None | No |
Name | Description | Supported flows | Default | Required |
nonce |
The same nonce as specified in the authorization code URL. | Authorization code exchange | None | If present in the authorization code URL |
This provider allows you to specify the required endpoints for negotiating an arbitrary OAuth 2 authorization code grant flow.
Name | Description | Default | Required |
auth_code_url |
The URL to submit the initial authorization code request to. | None | No |
device_code_url |
The URL to subject a device authorization request to. | None | No |
token_url |
The URL to use for exchanging temporary codes and refreshing access tokens. | None | Yes |
auth_style |
How to authenticate to the token URL. If specified, must be one of in_header or in_params . |
Automatically detect | No |
1 For users upgrading from versions prior to 3.0.0, the default server will automatically be set to a legacy server for backward compatibility. ā©
2 For users upgrading from versions prior to 2.2.0 with valid configurations, the reaper will not be automatically enabled unless you replace your configuration. ā©
3 The default is 10 seconds as specified in the Go OAuth 2.0 library unless the token does not expire. ā© a b
4 For compatibility, if grant_type
is not
provided and refresh_token
is set, the grant_type
will default to
. ā©