DevShop 1.0.0-beta10
July 7, 2016
28 commits to Devmaster: opendevshop/devmaster@1.0.0-beta9...1.x
- Added "composer install" deploy hook! You can now configure
composer install
to run on deployment. Works with composer.json in the repo root or the drupal root. - Improvements & bug fixes to the "DevShop Remotes" module.
- Added a "Retry" button to an environment that failed a "clone" task.
- Added "Environment" to the labels for "Environment Dashboard" and "Environment Settings" links.
- Added a message if the user has a project in the create project wizard.
- Added all of bootstrap, including fonts to boots theme, allowing fully offline use.
- Moved the Cancel button in projects creation wizard to the right side of the page.
- Added icons to the "Next" button, "Add Environment" and "Finish" buttons in the create project wizard.
- Renamed the "Finish" button to "Create Project & Environments".
- Update to Drupal 7.50.