DevShop 1.4.0
1.4.0 (September 27, 2018)
70 Commits to DevShop: 1.3.4...1.x
85 Commits to Devmaster: opendevshop/devmaster@7.x-1.34...7.x-1.x
Added the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct:
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. -
Created a new DevShop Composer Template to make it as easy as possible to get a project running in devshop! See for more information.
UI Updates
- Implemented "Create a Branch" button and made sure "Create a tag" is enabled by default. Add a display of the current git reference to the Git Checkout and Git Tag form. Cleanup ordering, form element titles and descriptions, and allow a ?create=1 URL parameter to the Checkout task to change the UI to specifically target "Creation".
- Replace missing "Last Commit" timestamp.
- Fixed bug preventing HTTP Authentication passwords from being saved.
- Enable support by default to provide free renewable HTTPS certficates.
- Enable DevShop Remote Aliases by default.
- Moved "Git Commit" interface out of devshop and into Hosting Git module.
- Moved "Aegir Features" module out of devshop and into Hosting Tasks Extra.
- Moved
, bringing another core feature of devshop to Provision/Aegir. - Make environment variables available in
files. - Change GitHub commit status name to
. When the same project has the same Git URL, and you are PR driven development with automated testing, all projects were using the commit status name "devshop/tests". Now, the test results from every project is visible because they each get their own commit status. - Fix writing project aliases when project is verified.
- Fixed the Download Modules task to work with composer-based projects! Now runs
composer require drupal/*
and commits in one shot! - Cleaned up the new project page, giving examples of a SSH git URL, mentioning the option to use a full drupal stack or composer, linking to the DevShop Composer Template.
- Allow editing of platform if the platform has not been verified.
- Fixed bug in ajax task loading that would load tasks for disabled sites.
- Fixed awkward display of Project and Environment links on Platform nodes.
- Moved the "Refresh Branches" button to the top of the Git Branches/Tags list dropdown.
- Upgrading Hosting Tasks Extras "Features Update & Revert" tasks with:
- Ability to specify which features to update or revert.
- Add "Force" option to "revert" task.
- Migrate all to provision_process().
- Creating a file because that is the only place drush_hook_pre_hosting_task() works.
- Improving the form page: adding a form alter for easy page title renaming for other tasks.
System Updates
- Hosting modules and Provision upgraded to 3.16. Full release notes
- Added "aegir-uid" as a command line option (a3cea24) and set the default to 12345.
- Use PHP7 as the default for local devshop development.
- Added upgrade tests back.
- Install all Ansible roles during
robo prepare:sourcecode
command. - Added drush to composer and use devshop-local drush for building local devmaster.
- Fixing the
robo prepare:containers
command. - Change robofile to use xdebug by default, unless option
is used. - Created a
robo up --mode=manual
option to allow for instantiating a container without running - Fixed the special makefile for travis forks.
- Added CAS, HybridAuth, and Intercom modules to build-devmaster.make to get around distribution publishing rules.
- Fixed documentation block in to show the right URL to wget.
- Bumped geerlingguy.composer to 1.7.1, and geerlingguy.mysql to 2.9.1.
- Added an alpha version of a script to clone a production site and push the data into a devshop server:
- Added test coverage for HTTP Basic Authentication settings.
- Fixed multiple issues with Ansible playbooks.
New Contributors
- Thanks to @kyletaylored for a documentation fix for 6b8a32d
- Thanks to @jacintocapote for returning to maintainers.