DevShop 1.5.0-rc1
281 Commits to DevShop: 1.4.0...1.5.0-rc1
233 Commits to Devmaster: opendevshop/devmaster@7.x-1.40...7.x-1.50-rc1
DevShop.Support Release Candidate!
- This release marks the launch of the DevShop.Support Network. It includes an open source module, DevShop Support Network Client, that enables monitoring & single-sign-on.
improvements:- Creates a simple inventory file at
. - Ansible galaxy roles are installed to
. - Ansible vars are saved to
- Changed the ansible output to "unixy", it's now MUCH more clear what is happening behind the ansible curtain.
- New
option to allow customizing the CLI destination (Defaults to/usr/share/devshop
). This was needed for full upgrade testing. - New
option to define where to save the ansible inventory file. Defaults to/etc/ansible/hosts
. - New
option adds the--force
option to theansible-galaxy install
command, causing the script to overwrite existing roles. Defaults to False. - New
option, used for immediate setup of DevShop Support network! See for more information. - Added
set -e
so it will actually fail if any line in the script fails.
- Creates a simple inventory file at
Major DevShop CLI improvements.
- Added
devshop devmaster:upgrade
to specifically update the devmaster drupal site. This is a replacement fordrush hostmaster-migrate
that should not be run manually. It is triggered during the updateddevshop upgrade
command. - Allow upgrading by running the playbook with the new version as the
variable. The playbook now detects an existing devmaster installation and runs the devmaster upgrade command automatically. - Add the new ansible-playbook upgrade method Travis.yml for testing.
- Improve the
devshop self-update
command: add--ignore-working-copy-changes
to make development easier and addedcomposer install
call after git checkout. - Change the devmaster folder variant to "date('Y-m-d-Hi');" to match what the provision debian package does.
- Change
devshop upgrade
command to run the entire upgrade process: self-update the CLI, then invoke a new process (so it uses the new code) fordevshop verify:system
. - Improved
devshop verify:system
command. Added--connection
option to allow customizing the ansible--connection
option, automatically writeansible.cfg
file, automatically create inventory and vars files, and automatically create the mysql root password if there isn't one. - Improved the Application class, it now properly detects the version from the Git Reference, and displays the exact SHA.
- Removed the silly "over 30 days old" warning.
- Improved Command class, including ansible, IO, and FS properties.
- Reduced GitHub API calls when running automated tests.
- Added our fork of the asm/php-ansible packagist library so we can use the
devshop verify:system
command again.
- Added
Docker & Local Tools improvements:
- Added our own Dockerfile for the devshop/server container: a single container with all services. See Dockerfiles/Dockerfile. This is awesome because it installs every version of PHP in a single container. This will soon become the default, and you will be able to choose the version of PHP you want from the Site Node form.
- Improved the Robofile to be more visible about what it is doing. There is a lot of yelling now.
- Got the vagrant environment working again! See
folder. It should be ready forvagrant up
. - Added missing packages to the build-devmaster-dev.make.yml and build-devmaster-travis-forks.make.yml file (only used in development).
- In the docker-compose.yml file (for development), map $HOME/.ssh to /var/aegir/.ssh so the container inherits the users SSH folder.
Devmaster Improvements:
- Updating Drupal core to 7.61. Updated features, libraries, intercomio, and bootstrap theme.
- Added statsd.module and created Hosting StatsD module for sending statistics to a Graphite server.
- Updated and released a new version of IntercomIO module.
- Default devmaster to enable HTTPS and! If DevShop is installed on a server with public DNS, it will have a valid HTTPS certificate out of the box! The devmaster.profile file automatically detects a public devshop and enables LetsEncrypt on the hostmaster site for you.
- Update Hosting modules to 3.17.0. See full release notes here:
- Centralize all composer libraries in the
file. - Add
module to allow modules to define their own dependencies using composer. - Hook into hostmaster verify to trigger a
composer install
command to ensure the libraries are properly installed. - Switch from Admin Menu to NavBar!
- Fixed mobile breakpoint issues in the primary links! DevShop now works great on mobile screens.
- Enable DevShop Permissions module by default so authenticated users can do most things. Patched hosting module to allow users to create sites even if they don't have an associated.
- Disabled importing of "existing sites" when a platform is verified because this can be problematic. Some teams use
for code but not site credentials. - Enable devshop_support_network_client module by default.
- Fixed Devshop Acquia Hooks logging: needed to be updated to the latest p_log style instead of
. - Removed composer.json and committed vendor code from all modules.
- Allow changing a project's default Git URL.
- Fix missing error logs on project create wizard.
- Fix errors on create project wizard and create environment form when logged in as a normal authenticated user: hosting_get_servers() uses node access checks unless extra parameter is set.
- Show extra project drush aliases on the "clone source" field in the add environment form.
- Add a _GET Parameter to allow links to decide whether or not to redirect to the task node when a task confirm form is fired.
- On task pages, fix the task info header block to the top of the page when scrolled down.
- Fix "Follow Logs" button, turn back into a button.
- Added a "Run Again" button to tasks to allow easy triggering of the same task from task node pages.
- Improve task logs pages in general: automatically enable "Follow Logs", improve button alignment.
- Load site and platform context names into environment objects.
- Added support for GitLab webhook payloads, so GitLab hosted environments only pull the environments for the branches that were pushed.
- New Feature: Add remote drush aliases to Composer.json!
- New Feature: Git Reset! Reset working copy changes from the web browser.
- Remove old unused code from devshop_testing_menu_alter
- Totally new user login/password/register pages!
- Display a more clear error message when platform verification fails: "Codebase verification failed."
- Add cancel button to task node page.
Ansible Role improvements:
- Added real .travis.yml testing to all roles.
- opendevshop/ansible-role-aegir-apache@1.1.0...master
- Added
variable so RedHat users can decide their PHP version and removed hard coded php55 stuff in RedHat roles. - Fixed Ubuntu 16 installation, the
statements were incorrect. Added separate file for Ubuntu 14 variables. - Added a test for sudo apache reload access to the roles so it will fail early if sudo was misconfigured.
- Moved
to defaults/main.yml so they can be overridden. - Added
ansible variable. - Load
as ansible facts, and use them to determine if we need to install or upgrade. - Stop
service and kill all processes owned by aegir user before trying to change aegir user. - Fixed the Aegir sudo password prompt during install! Added
scripts. Somehow they are running even if module is not enabled. - Fix sudo configuration in aegir-nginx role.
- Added behat tests for checking license key, HTTPS/LetsEncrypt servers, and the new homepage.
- Use drupal_valid_path when checking for git commit visibility. It's more consistent that looking for permissions.