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designguide theme finishingtouches

mikert edited this page Feb 14, 2011 · 2 revisions

MTDG: Finishing Touches

MTDG: Creating Your Theme's config.yaml

Begin by opening up your favorite text editor. Create a top level YAML branch named template_sets and then under that, create another YAML branch with a unique name based on the name of your theme. The following YAML key/value pairs go under that second branch. Don't worry, a copy-and-paste-ready sample is provided below.

  • author_name - Your name. If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's author_name value, if specified.
  • author_link - The URL to your website. If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's author_link value, if specified.
  • theme_link - The URL to your theme. If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's plugin_link value, if specified.
  • doc_link - The URL to the documentation of your theme. If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's doc_link value, if specified.
  • documentation - Yes, the documentation key is different from the doc_link key. Use this key to supply documentation right in your theme. A "Documentation" tab will appear on the Theme Dashboard where your documentation is displayed.
  • description - A description of your theme. If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's description value, if specified.
  • version - The version number of your theme. If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's version value, if specified.
  • paypal_email - A valid email address that users can donate through PayPal to you. If unspecified, this falls back to the root key paypal_email value.
  • about_designer - A description of you! If unspecified, this falls back to the plugin's about_designer value, if specified.

Example: template_sets: DePoClean_theme: label: 'DePoClean' base_path: 'templates' description: DePoClean converted from WordPress. License terms are the exact same as those imposed by Derek Powazek. A copy of his terms can be found in the file LICENSE.original in this theme's folder. author_name: 'OpenMelody Team, based on work by Derek Powazek (' author_link: '' doc_link: theme_link: documentation: blog_preferences: 'DePoClean_theme_preferences' paypal_email: [email protected] about_designer: Melody is a GPL-loving group version: 1.0 thumbnail: 'depo-small.png' preview: depo-large.png

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  • Author: Byrne Reese
  • Edited by: Violet Bliss Dietz
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