This is a template repo to be used to set up and share Content Packages.
The contents of a typical Content Package are:
- Configuration
- This folder holds Initializer compatible configuration metadata that make up the content package. For example, in the /config directory, this includes:
- Forms (in /ampathforms)
- Concepts (in /ocl, /concepts)
- Programmatic Metadata such as:
- Programs (in /programs)
- Encounter types (in /encountertypes)
- Workflows (in /programworkflows)
- Identifiers and other metadata
- This folder holds Initializer compatible configuration metadata that make up the content package. For example, in the /config directory, this includes:
- File
- Contents: This file specifies the required ESMs and OMODs (frontend modules and backend modules) that make up the Content Package.
- Importance:
- The file is important because when Implementers add this Content Package to their distribution, the file will automatically be read and compared with their exitisting file.
- An automatic distro Build Helper Tool then fetches the content package's information and extracts the content into the Implementation's file.
- Dependencies are especially important here, as the Build Helper Tool will add any dependencies from the Content Package into an Implementation's file.