This is a simple python package which lets you send SMS from a script and application written in python.
You will need to be a customer of OneCall to use this.
It is written for Python 3.4, but i cannot think of any reasons why it should not work with other versions.
- Send SMS
- Good error handling
- Messages longer than 480 characters
- Multiple recipients
- Password not in plaintext
To install just simply pip install:
pip install git+git://
from onecall.onecall import OneCallSession, SMS
oc = OneCallSession('phoneNumber', 'password')
sms = SMS('toPhoneNumber', 'Message', oc)
usage: [-h] [--number NUMBER] --tonumber TONUMBER --message MESSAGE
Send SMS from commandline
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--number NUMBER, -n NUMBER
OneCall phonenumber that you will send from
--tonumber TONUMBER, -t TONUMBER
Phonenumber of the recipient
--message MESSAGE, -m MESSAGE
The message you would like to send
The script will look for a config file in your home dir named .onecallsms.json
It is written in JSON and might look like this:
"number": "",
"password": ""