code=QR code
The project consists of two files: "" and "". The purpose of the project is to generate and read codes. The "" file contains two functions: "read_code" and "gen_code". The "read_code" function takes a Path object as an argument, which is the path to the image with the code. The function opens the image, decodes the code using the "pyzbar" library, and returns the decoded data as a string. If the image cannot be opened or the decoding fails, the function returns None.
The "gen_code" function takes two Path objects as arguments: the first is the path to the image that will be used as a background for the code, and the second is the path to which the generated code image will be saved. The function also takes a string that will be encoded in the code. The function creates a code using library and overlays it on top of the background image. The function returns True if the image was successfully created and False if there was an error.
The code is generated with a box size of 10 and a border of 1. The function calculates the size of the code image based on the length of the encoded text and the size of the boxes. It then resizes the background image to match the size of the code image. The code is generated with black and white boxes. The function uses the "PIL" library to draw the code image. It loops through the pixels in the code and draws a black box for each "1" and a white box for each "0". It also adds four black boxes in the corners and four black boxes in the center to create a border around code. The code image is then saved to the specified path.