My devenv sandbox
A repo to collect devenv environments, mostly modified from devenv examples.
Current workflow: individual project will be created in the branch.
Environment will be prepared in main
, and I will rebase main
back to individual branch accordingly.
If you haven't install devenv, follow here
curl -L | sh -s install
touch ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
echo "extra-experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf
# install direnv
curl -sfL | bash
# Add the following line at the end of the ~/.bashrc file:
# eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
- vscode - install
extension - (By doing so, vscode ipython notebook can find the virtual env set up correctly)
# install devenv
nix-env -iA devenv -f
not so sure, above install use nix-env, but maybe sometime later I use nix profile for something, and nix-env is no longer usable. eventually I do below ...
nix profile list | grep devenv -A 1 -B2
Index: 0
Store paths: /nix/store/24yzpf9qjfn599dsq92sllxx3wdnpznr-devenv-1.1
nix profile remove 0 # the Index from above
nix profile install nixpkgs#devenv -I nixpkgs=channel:unstable
nix profile list | grep devenv -A 1 -B2
Index: 1
Flake attribute: legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.devenv
Locked flake URL: github:NixOS/nixpkgs/eeeb90a1dd3c9bea3afdbc76fd34d0fb2a727c7a
Store paths: /nix/store/5fm2f0n3839sdh9qlyh8b6ykqlravr9i-devenv-1.3
devenv shell
activates your developer environment.devenv test
builds your developer environment and makes sure that all checks pass. Useful to run in your continuous integration environment.devenv search <NAME>
searches packages matching NAME in Nixpkgs input.devenv update
updates and pins inputs from devenv.yaml into devenv.lock.devenv gc
deletes unused environments to save disk space.devenv up
starts processes.
For IntelliSense to work and find the path installed in the environment, you need to make workspace from *_env, as the default search path is ${workspaceFolder}/**
. (Or you should change .vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
's includePath
). As devenv will install packages into .devenv/profile
Remember to launch the workspace from the *_env folder as well, then for ipython notebook, select the kernel under .devenv/state/bin/python
(If you can recreate, better do so to make sure all libs are installed).