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Don D. Le Continuum3416

California, United States of America

Ahmet Kemal Cavusoglu ahmetkcavusoglu
Embedded Software Engineer


Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ola Osman Oliya-lola
I am Software Engineer love coding and curious about IOT and IoTsecurity using @ethereum recently doing my reseach on Distributed Systems.
cw3k cw3k

Boston, MA

Suresh Kumar ssureshkumar
Firmware Engineer

RDV Tech solutions Bangalore

Ömer Özgün Üngüder ounguder
Communication and Information Engineering Student at Hochschule Rhein-Waal

Duisburg, Germany

bilal bilalaniq


Vaibhav Wanere vbwanere
Learning Precision Machining, Embedded Systems, Robotics, IoT and still exploring..

Caterpillar Inc. Pontiac, IL, USA


Tuzla, Bosnia and Hercegovina

Liyana Jayasinghe nteej
Language independent programmer who based on Europe with keen eye on bug fixings & hot fixes on live production code.keep practise on aviation domain @skyplan

@skyplan Finland

Antonio Bernardini AntonioBerna
Computer Engineering Student passionate about cybersecurity, hardware, firmware, and software, sharing knowledge through innovative projects and impactful code.


LE VAN DUNG ledungdee
I’m an Embedded Software Engineer to helping customers find their way to the best solution through hardware design and software programming.

Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Dhruv Sharma Hysteria291
Passionate and eager learner, GitHub newbie.
Romain Berthoule Throows
Hello There ! As a student I want to create wonderful tools to make delightful Electronic projects. Felt in love with UWB

Loc2ndt France

0x5bjorn 0x5bjorn
Striving to be Software Engineer, not just Software Developer
Simone SimoneCheng
Der Ursprung der Philosophie ist das Gewahrwerden der eigenen Schwäche und Ohnmacht.


Yang Yang yangyang14641
Ph.D. Candidate in Fluid Mechanics at Peking University. Interested in High-Performance Computing, Quantum Computing, and Contemporary Mathematical Physics.

Peking University Beijing, China

Harikrishnan harikrishnan-kp

ICFOSS Trivandrum

Nagendra nx2k3
[• •]


Kashish Garg kashishkebab9
Roboticist @ UPenn | Interests lie in Robotics Software, Embedded Systems and Systems Engineering

@KumarRobotics Philadelphia

Nawres barhoumi Barhoumi-Nawres
Embedded system engineering student |industrial computer

Tunis Tunisia

Renato Barresi renatobarresi
Paraguayan electronics engineer, passionate about embedded systems

Siemens Prague, Czechia

William Sleman slemanz
Electrical engineer focused on embedded systems development, specialized in hardware and bare metal firmware.


Gobinath N gobi-16
Persuing Electronics and Communicaton Engineer
