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fetch-form 0.1.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @limbo-works/fetch-form@0.1.0
Install via package.json:
"@limbo-works/fetch-form": "0.1.0"

About this version


Vue component for a form that uses fetch under the hood, but otherwise looks like a standard form element.


yarn add @limbo-works/fetch-form

Using the component

Make the component globally usable by extending the layer in nuxt.config.js.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
    extends: [

Then you can use the FetchForm component anywhere within that solution:

<!-- As written in Vue -->


<!-- As it may appear in the dom -->
<form action="/some/endpoint" method="GET">

Props overview

Prop Description Default value Data type
options Options to pass the fetch request. {} Object
dataAppendage An object with extra key-value pairs for the request, on top of whatever named form fields inside the form. {} Object
dataTransformation A transformer-function to change the data before performing the request. (data) => data Function
useNativeFormDataOnPost If false the form (on POST) will send the data as form data. If true a JSON object will be send instead. false Boolean

Further you'll of course set an action, can set the method (will default to "GET" if not set) and can disable using the standard form attributes.

Events overview

Event Description
@response Emits when the form request returns with a non-error response. Includes the response data.
@error Emits when the form request returns with an error. Includes the error.
@complete Emits when the form request returns. Includes a boolean value of whether the request were succesful or not.
@fetch Emits when a new request is made. Includes the promise of the request itself.

Exposed slot props

Prop Description
isFetching Boolean value for whether its fetching or not.
currentResponse If the latest fetch gave a response, this will have its value.
currentError If the latest fetch gave an error, this will have its value.



  • fetch-form-0.1.0.tgz

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