This Twill Capsule is intended to enable developers to configure Basic Auth on their applications.
You add as many domains as you need and configure different passwords for each. Once you enable the all domains (*)
entry, the same configuration will be used for all, and all other domains will be hidden.
A middleware is automatically added to all web
routes, but you can configure this behaviour or even disable it to configure your middleware yourself:
'middleware' => [
'automatic' => true,
'groups' => ['web'],
'class' => \A17\TwillHttpBasicAuth\Http\Middleware::class,
If you don't want to share a single username and password with everyone that will access your pages, you can configure the package to allow existing users, both on Twill (CMS) and/or Laravel (frontend), to use their own passwords to pass Basic Auth.
composer require area17/twill-http-basic-auth
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="A17\TwillHttpBasicAuth\ServiceProvider"
* Register any application services.
* @return void
public function register()
The configuration works both on .env
or in the CMS settings. If you set them on .env
the CMS settings will be disabled and overloded by .env
Please contribute to this project by submitting pull requests.