Challenge 3 of Coding Club's Data Science for Ecologists and Environmental Scientists course
This repository contains the datasets you will need to complete Challenge 3. This challenge is associated with the Mastering Modelling stream of the course. You can download this zipped folder to your computer (green button in top right corner), or fork this repository if you have a GitHub account.
The challenge page contains all the information and instructions to get you started and guide you through the challenge.
The datasets for the challenges are:
The Isle of May long-term study (IMLOTS) seabird annual breeding success 1982-2016. Newell, M.; Harris, M.P.; Wanless, S.; Burthe, S.; Bogdanova, M.; Gunn, C.M.; Daunt, F. (2016). Original dataset available from the NERC Environmental Information Data Centre under an Open Government License. Contains data supplied by the Natural Environment Research Council. The static copy stored in this repository was accessed on 04-06-2019.
Dive times and depths of auks (Atlantic puffin, common guillemot and razorbill) from the Isle of May outside the seabird breeding season. Dunn, R.E.; Wanless, S.; Green, J.A.; Harris, M.P.; Daunt, F. (2019). Original dataset available from the NERC Environmental Information Data Centre under an Open Government License. Contains data supplied by the Natural Environment Research Council. The static copy stored in this repository was accessed on 26-11-2019.
Regional time series of monthly, seasonal and annual values. Met Office (2019). Original dataset available from the Met Office Datasets page under an Open Government License. Crown Copyright. The static copy stored in this repository was accessed on