- Fork repo.
- Run
npm i
Create link to original repository and name it upstream
git remote add upstream https://github.com/zahar-g/js-bootcamp-2020.git
Fetch updates without updating local files:
git fetch upstream
Merge master
branch with current local branch:
git merge upstream/master
Push changes to your repository:
git push origin master
Fork repo by clicking button 'Fork' in the top right corner.
Clone your forked repository to your local machine with command:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/js-bootcamp-2020.git
- Create new branch for each lesson with command:
git branch origin/lesson-XX
- Add your new (or changed) files to git index with command:
git add -A
- or exact names of files if you do not want to commit all changes:
git add README.md
- Commit changes with command:
git commit
Add commit message by pressing key A
. The press Esc
, write :wq
and press Enter
- Push your changes to remote branch:
git push origin/lesson-XX
- Go to https://github.com/zahar-g/js-bootcamp-2020/compare. Choose new branch from your forked repository and press 'Create Pull Request' button. Don't forget to add title and description in PR regarding your changes.