Version Info:
- Bug Fix release to 2.4.0
New Features:
- Log level tag accuracy improved. -q DEBUG vs -q INFO vs -q ERROR vs -q QUIET now produce significantly different volumes of information.
- Logging data from variable core count systems (hyperthread or downed cores) now supported by procstatutil2 plugin with 'maxcpu' argument; see 'man Plugin_procstatutil2'.
** Additional man page and test driver for procstatutil2 are included. - More informative errors when data set mismatches are detected due to hardware variations.
- IB sampler reenabled in the default TOSS build, but still disabled for desktop.
- Potential buffer overflow in ldmsctl fixed.
- store_csv header and data output ordering has changed from prior versions (now in the order that the metrics are registered by the sampler, instead of the inverse). This is an option in v2.4.2 which defaults to the prior behavior.