A simplistic scripting language to create itemfilters for Path of Exile
Just downloading the executable from the release page should work fine. If it does not work maybe installing the Haskell Platform helps.
You can also build from source using the Haskell Platform (namley cabal-install). For a guide an how to build cabal packages check out this guide.
To compile a script into a .filter file, simply use the filter language compiler (flc) on the source file. Just type
flc <sourceFile>
into the command-line, or
flc <sourceFile> -o <outputFile>
if you want to specify the name of the output file.
(on Windows you can open a command-line in the current directory by
into the folder and selecting "Open command window here"
from the context menu)
The language has four types of definitions which are used to create a filter:
Sets: Sets are groups of items that satisfy certain conditions. Multiple sets can be combined using the logical operators
(or) and&
e.g.flask + ItemLevel = 50
contains all items that are flasks or have itemLevel 50
andflask & ItemLevel = 50
contains all items that are flasks and have itemLevel 50
(be aware that&
binds stronger than+
, so you need to use parenthesis if you want+
to apply first) -
Styles: A Style describes the way items are displayed. Styles can be combined with the
operator. If in a combination of styles the same property is defined twice (e.g. two different border colors) the latest (rightmost) one will override the previous ones. -
Rules: Rules define how a set of items is displayed, they state if the set should be shown (
) or hidden (Hide
) and what style should be used to display the set.
Like in GGG's default language the order in which rules are defined is important (first rule that matches an item is choosen). -
Imports: It is possible to import set and style definitions (but not the rules) from another sourcefile. Note: Since imports are recursive (all imports from imported files are also imported) and no checking for circular imports is done, the compiler gets stuck if such a circle exists
The language also contains some build in sets (see below) and a build in defaultStyle
<exrp> ::= <import> | <setExpr> | <styleExpr> | <ruleExpr>
<import> ::= "Import" <filename>
<setExpr> ::= "Set" <id> "=" <setDef>
<setDef> ::= <id> | <setProperty> | "(" <setDef> ")" | <setDef> <setOp> <setDef>
<setOp> ::= "+" | "&"
<setProperty> ::= "ItemLevel" ...
| "DropLevel" ...
| "Quality" ...
| "Sockets" ...
| "LinkedSockets" ...
| "SocketGroup" ...
| "Rarity" ...
| "ItemClass" ...
| "BaseType" ...
| "Width" ...
| "Heigth" ...
<styleExpr> ::= "Style" <id> "=" <styleDef>
<styleDef> ::= <id> | <styleProperty> | "(" <styleDef> ")" | <styleDef> "+" <styleDef>
<styleProperty> ::= "BackgroundColor" ...
| "BorderColor" ...
| "TextColor" ...
| "FontSize" ...
| "AlertSound" ...
<ruleExpr> ::= <type> <setId> <styleId>
<type> ::= "Show" | "Hide"
<setId> ::= <id>
<styleId> ::= <id>
<id> ::= <idStart>{<idRest>}
<idStart> ::= <letter>
<idRest> ::= <letter> | <digit> | "_"
Almost all basic properties take the same values as their counterparts in the
standard filter scripts,
the only exception being that the equality operator =
cant be omitted,
and that names of itemclasses must be complete and written without quotation marks.
, talismans
, quivers