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Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into explorer-name-stand… #405

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into explorer-name-stand…

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into explorer-name-stand… #405

name: SVG diff (all views)
on: [push, pull_request]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Clone repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: ./.github/actions/setup-node-yarn-deps
- uses: ./.github/actions/build-tsc
- name: Set branch name and token for OWID runs
if: ${{ github.repository_owner == 'owid' }}
shell: bash
run: |
echo "PUSH_BRANCH_NAME=${{ github.ref_name }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TOKEN=${{ secrets.GITHUBPAT }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Set branch name and token for runs from a fork
if: ${{ github.repository_owner != 'owid' }}
shell: bash
run: |
echo "PUSH_BRANCH_NAME=${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ github.ref_name }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "TOKEN=${{ github.token }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Checkout the owid-grapher-svgs repo into a subfolder. Use a Personal Access Token for checkout so the
# action will have permission to push later on if required.
- name: Clone svg tester repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: "owid/owid-grapher-svgs"
path: owid-grapher-svgs
token: ${{ env.TOKEN }}
# Create a branch on that repo that matches the branch name we are on in the owid-grapher repo
# but only do this if we are not on master in owid-graphers (in this case we want to commit and push on master
# in owid-grapher-svgs as well)
- name: create owid-grapher-svgs local branch
if: ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME != 'master'}}
working-directory: owid-grapher-svgs
continue-on-error: true
run: git branch ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME }} || echo "Branch ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME }} already exists"
# Checkout the branch we just created (but not if we are on master in owid-grapher)
- name: checkout owid-grapher-svgs local branch
if: ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME != 'master'}}
working-directory: owid-grapher-svgs
run: git checkout ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME }}
# Run the verify tool overwriting any svgs. Stdout is piped to compare-result which will be a 0 byte file if everything works or contain failed grapher ids otherwise
- name: Generate SVGs and compare to reference
id: run-verify-graphs
continue-on-error: true
# using "ternary operator" from
RM_ON_ERROR: ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME == 'master' && '' || '--rm-on-error' }}
run: node --enable-source-maps itsJustJavascript/devTools/svgTester/verify-graphs.js -i owid-grapher-svgs/configs -o owid-grapher-svgs/all-views/svg -r owid-grapher-svgs/all-views/svg --ids-from-file owid-grapher-svgs/most-viewed-charts.txt --all-views $RM_ON_ERROR > compare-result
# If the last step failed we want to commit all changed svgs and push them to the new branch on the owid-grapher-svgs repo
- uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v4
if: ${{ == 'failure' }}
repository: ./owid-grapher-svgs/
branch: ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME }}
push_options: "--force"
commit_message: Automated commit with svg differences of all views triggered by commit${{github.sha}}
# The action fails if there were any errors.
- name: Fail with error message if we had errors
if: ${{ > 0 }}
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
core.setFailed('Errors were thrown during checking! Please check diffs at${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME }}')
# We make the action fail if there were any differences and if we are on a branch other than master. On master
# we do not want to fail because the differences on master are intended to be authorative and thus there is no
# reason to mark this action as failed.
- name: Fail with error message if we had differences
if: ${{ > 0 }}
continue-on-error: ${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME == 'master' }}
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
core.setFailed('SVGs were different from reference! Please check diffs at${{ env.PUSH_BRANCH_NAME }}')