This is the repository for
Install the needed python packages using conda with the following command:
conda env create -f torch_geo.yml
Alternatively, the following packages can be install manually (not preferred). Please make sure the correct version of PyTorch is installed!!! Other versions of PyTorch (eg. 1.10) will crash the models.
- conda create --name torch_geo
- conda install -c conda-forge rdkit=2021
- conda install pyyaml
- conda install pytorch=1.9.0 cpuonly -c pytorch
- conda install pytorch-geometric -c rusty1s -c conda-forge
- conda install -c conda-forge optuna
- conda install -c conda-forge gpytorch
- conda install -c conda-forge tqdm
The code needed to generate PLIGs from a protein-ligand complex can be found in the "PLIG_tutorial/" folder.
All GNN implementations of PLIGs, ligand-based GNNs, as well as the MLPNet implementation of ECFP/FCFP and ECIF fingperints can be found in the "models_main/" folder.
The following data is supplied:
ii) Pre-prepared features (PLIGs, ECIF, ECFP/FCFP) for the PDBbind 2020 general + PDBbind 2016 refined set
All raw-data to generate the figure published in can be found in the "publication" folder