A language exchange application between language learners and native speakers. Live Demo: correctin.netlify.app
When people are learning a new language, they generally underestimate the power of really using that language in their daily life. The books, the language schools or any other materials do not give enough opportunity of using the language to the learners. As a result of that even though they theoretically understand the concepts of that language they can still be weak in producing something in that language. Also, even if language learners try to use that language they are still very prone to make mistakes while using the language they are learning. If they are not corrected by someone, that may lead to learning phrases, words, and sentences in the wrong way. In this study a language exchange application is proposed. The application that is available both in mobile platforms and the web, aims to create a portal for language learners and native speakers. The learners are able to post anything that is interesting for them, such as a moment in their life, something that is popular or anything they want, similar to a social media entry. Those entries will be visible to the speakers of that language and they will be able to correct or propose better expressions interacting with the post.