Parser for Protocol Buffer files written in Haskell.
> cat file.proto
syntax = "proto3";
message M
string name = 1;
> stack exec hs-protoparser-exe file.proto
{ syntax = "proto3"
, packages = []
, imports = []
, options = []
, messages =
[ MessageDefinition
{ name = "M"
, oneOfFields = []
, mapFields = []
, normalFields =
[ NormalField
{ field = FieldDefinition
{ name = "name"
, fieldType = TString
, fieldNumber = 1
, options = []
, repeated = False
, messageDefs = []
, enumDefs = []
, options = []
, reservedFields = []
, enums = []
, services = []
If you are using stack you can add the package as an extra-dep
- git:
commit: ...
Call parseProto
from the Parser
module with the input:
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
import HSProtoParser.Parser (parseProto)
import HSProtoParser.Ast
import System.Exit
main = do
f <- readFile "example.proto"
case parseProto "example.proto" f of
Left e -> print e >> exitFailure
Right t -> print (map n (messages t)) >> exitSuccess
n :: MessageDefinition -> String
n = name
This will print the names of all messages defined in the input proto:
> cat example.proto
syntax = "proto3";
message A {}
message B {}
message C {}
> stack run
["A", "B", "C"]