What's Changed
- [feature/SELC-6175] Set correct status on re-send notification by @andrea-putzu in #647
- [SELC-6126] Update app service plan by @andrea-putzu in #629
- [SELC-6243] Set productId not required to be included on external api by @andrea-putzu in #655
- feat: added tag internal-v1 to getOnboardings API by @gianmarcoplutino in #654
- [SELC-6156] feat: Fixed path of endpoint by @giampieroferrara in #656
- Merge back from releases/0.4.7 to main by @giampieroferrara in #651
- [SELC-6243] feat: Fixed openapi value by @giampieroferrara in #658
- [SELC-6232] feat: added workflowType CONFIRMATION to customValidation by @gianmarcoplutino in #659
- [SELC-6172] feat: removed DELETE_MANAGERS_BY_IC_AND_ADE activity by @empassaro in #653
- Fix get contract by @pierpaolodidato89 in #660
Full Changelog: v0.4.7...v0.4.8