E::::::::::::::::::::E QQ:::::::::QQ L:::::::::L
E::::::::::::::::::::E QQ:::::::::::::QQ L:::::::::L
E:::::E EEEEEEQ::::::O Q::::::Q L:::::L
E:::::E Q:::::O Q:::::Q L:::::L
E::::::EEEEEEEEEE Q:::::O Q:::::Q L:::::L
E:::::::::::::::E Q:::::O Q:::::Q L:::::L
E:::::::::::::::E Q:::::O Q:::::Q L:::::L
E::::::EEEEEEEEEE Q:::::O Q:::::Q L:::::L
E:::::E Q:::::O QQQQ:::::Q L:::::L
E:::::E EEEEEEQ::::::O Q::::::::Q L:::::L LLLLLL
E::::::::::::::::::::E QQ::::::::::::::Q L::::::::::::::::::::::L
E::::::::::::::::::::E QQ:::::::::::Q L::::::::::::::::::::::L
This project will a try to be a php
equivalent of elasticsql.
Currently support:
- sql and expression
- sql or expression
- equal(=) support
- not equal(!=) support
- gt(>) support
- gte(>=) support
- lt(<) support
- lte(<=) support
- sql in (eg. id in (1,2,3) ) expression
- sql not in (eg. id not in (1,2,3) ) expression
- paren bool support (eg. where (a=1 or b=1) and (c=1 or d=1))
- sql like expression (currently use match phrase, perhaps will change to wildcard in the future)
- sql order by support
- sql limit support
- sql not like expression
- field missing check
- support aggregation like count(*), count(field), min(field), max(field), avg(field)
- support aggregation like stats(field), extended_stats(field), percentiles(field) which are not standard sql function
- null check expression(is null/is not null)
- join expression
- having support
> composer require meysampg/eql
Demo :
namespace Sample;
use Meysampg\Eql\Parser;
$sql = "
select * from aaa
where a=1 and x = '三个男人'
and create_time between '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0800' and '2016-01-01T00:00:00+0800'
and process_id > 1 order by id desc limit 100,10
function main()
$dsl = Parser::buildFrom($sql);
will produce :
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"a": {
"query": "1",
"type": "phrase"
"match": {
"x": {
"query": "三个男人",
"type": "phrase"
"range": {
"create_time": {
"from": "2015-01-01T00:00:00+0800",
"to": "2016-01-01T00:00:00+0800"
"range": {
"process_id": {
"gt": "1"
"from": 100,
"size": 10,
"sort": [
"id": "desc"
If your sql contains some keywords, eg. order, timestamp, don't forget to escape these fields as follows:
select * from `order` where `timestamp` = 1 and `desc`.id > 0