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@panva panva released this 28 Jun 06:40

This release has been on and off in development since the major v5.x release in September 2018, it
is the biggest and most breaking release to date and a massive accomplishment, most of the new
features you saw added to the v5.x release line have been backports from a privately worked on v6.x
branch of the project.

~ 334 changed files with 19,617 additions and 13,322 deletions.

With the API just slightly evolving with each version for over more than 3 years it was in need of
a big overhaul, albeit in the configuration or adapter API department. Knowing the next release is a
breaking one just welcomed innovation and refactoring, hence the endless stream of alpha and beta
releases with breaking changes in them.

Notable changes

Fully embraced browser based apps using Authorization Code flow + PKCE

Browser-based public clients are now able to get Refresh Tokens that are
not offline_access, are end-user session bound and rotate with each use.

This is in line with the BCPs being worked on by the OAuth WG and it is
also ready for new sender-constraining mechanisms such as DPoP being
implemented as soon as they are adopted as WG drafts.

Issuing refresh tokens without offline_access is not enabled by default
and is controlled by a new issueRefreshToken configuration policy.

By default all tokens that do not have offline_access scope are now
handled is invalid or expired when the session they came from is gone,
i.e. when the end-user logs out or a shorter-lived session simply expires
due to inactivity. This behaviour is controled by a new expiresWithSession
configuration policy.

CORS is not an afterthought

Also related to browser based apps using the AS. It is now possible to
have CORS control per request and implement request context based policies
using new clientBasedCORS configuration policy. By default this policy's
value enables * CORS on all CORS-intended endpoints.

You can see a client-metadata based approach in /recipes.

Authorization Requests without the openid scope

The provider can now process authorization requests that do not contain
the openid scope, pure OAuth 2.0 mode.

Optimized crypto

All crypto is now done using node's crypto module with the use KeyObject
keys and secrets.
Node.js >= 12.0.0 added a KeyObject class to represent a symmetric or
asymmetric key
and it is recommended that applications to use this new KeyObject API instead
of passing keys as strings or Buffers due to improved security features
as well as optimized operation.


The provider can now sign ID Tokens, JWT Access Tokens, Userinfo and
everything JOSE using EdDSA.
With Ed25519 now being supported you can also have your Access Tokens in
PASETO format.

Upgrade / Migration path

5 -> 6 migration path is not clearly laid out, i'd much more recommend starting just with
new Provider('...') and then backporting your configuration and code, please note some changed
configuration defaults which, if you relied upon them, you need to now configure to their v5.x
values explicitly. Should you require assistance with an upgrade please don't hesitate to get in
touch via the issue tracker (limited support capacity) or via email for a more direct and involved

Bug Fixes

  • fixed symmetric key derivation for JWT introspection endpoint response (1a50c82)
  • fixed symmetric key derivation for JWT authorization endpoint response (1a50c82)
  • *_jwt client auth method alg no longer mixes up (a)symmetrical (1771655)
  • acceptedClaimsFor filtering out claims not scopes (fd8f886)
  • added scope to implicit responses when different from request (71b2e7e)
  • allow all incoming headers for CORS requests (3d2c8e4)
  • also reject client jwks/jwks_uri symmetric keys (df18f62), closes #481
  • avoid sending "samesite=none" to webkit browsers due to their bug (9c6e05b)
  • base accepted scope off the accepted scopes, not param scopes (ccec5d3)
  • break endless login loop with too short max_age values (66c7968)
  • check id_token_hint even if the interaction check is disabled (7528220)
  • check PKCE verifier and challenge ABNF, remove it from device flow (849b964)
  • check sameSite cookie option for none case-insensitive (523d1b2)
  • client key agreement with ECDH-ES is not possible in two cases (5c39f6e)
  • clientDefaults is now used in resolving defaults of some edge props (e7bcfd2)
  • correctly use the secret value, not its SHA digest, for PBES2-* (43256ba)
  • device flow - mark codes as already used at the right time (7b913fd)
  • do not send empty error_descriptions with some responses (663fadc)
  • enable debugging session bound tokens not being returned (cc66876)
  • enable Secure cookies with the default settings if on secure req (a056bfd)
  • expose correct discovery metadata jwt introspection signing algs (cf4e442), closes #475
  • fail logout when post_logout_redirect_uri is not actionable (b3a50ac)
  • handle client jwks x5c when kty is OKP, use client jwks key_ops (f052f6b)
  • handle invalid interaction policies with access_denied (1b6104c)
  • html-rendered response modes now honour 400 and 500 status codes (9771581)
  • jwt client assertion audience now also accepts issuer and token url (38706e7)
  • rendered OP views are no longer dead ends with javascript disabled (c2f17d7)
  • request object processing order related and general fixes (9fd3fba)
  • session required client properties control the iss & sid return (ab08cbe)
  • short cookie options dont affect the resume cookie path scope (4c7e877)
  • use fixed scope to claim mapping over dynamic ones (03a6130), closes #466
  • subsequent authorization requests for the same combination of client, end-user and sessionUid will
    all have the same grantId value now
  • PKCE is no longer forced for grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code
  • response_type code token no longer requires nonce parameter to be present. See
    OIDC Core 1.0 Errata 2 changeset
  • provider no longer reject client registration when the jwks.keys is empty
  • provider now rejects client's jwks and jwks_uri if they contain private key or symmetric key material. See
    OIDC Core 1.0 Errata 2 changeset
  • Client will no longer be looked up twice during failed authorization due to client not being found
  • max_age parameter is now validated to be a non-negative safe integer
  • client secrets no longer need to have minimal length to support HS signing
  • established session acr/amr is now available for any authorization request, not just the one it
    was established with

Code Refactoring

  • change certificates to jwks (a75e478)
  • consolidate interaction policy and url configuration (5c0ba04)
  • disable "token" including response types defaults (78e4ebb)
  • merge interactions and interactionUrl configuration (1193719)
  • provider.registerGrantType accepts the handler directly (e822918)
  • remove provider.initialize() (ec71ed0)
  • remove request/request http client handling and methods (683e6c2)
  • rename findById to findAccount to follow the helper convention (43f5ecc)
  • rename idToken.sign to idToken.issue (1c6d556)


  • added support for direct symmetric key encryption alg 'dir' (1a50c82)
  • added extraAccessTokenClaims configuration option (25915ef)
  • added options to disable userinfo and userinfo jwt responses (3620aed)
  • added per-request http options helper function configuration (4aee414)
  • added v2.public PASETOs as an available issued token format (7b149cf)
  • added EdDSA support (2cdb0a2)
  • added postLogoutSuccessSource helper for logouts without redirects (a979af8)
  • allow for client default metadata to be changed (8f20a69)
  • allow non-conform instances (f772f97)
  • always return scope with token implicit response (ea7b394)
  • default refresh token rotation policy changed (7310765)
  • discovery must now always be enabled (5c3c0c7)
  • enable client-based CORS origin whitelisting (8b4fd9e)
  • passthrough cors middleware if pre-existing headers are present (6ec09ef), closes #447
  • replay prevention for client assertions is now built in (a22d6ce)
  • request objects are now one-time use if they have iss, jti and exp (1dc44dd)
  • set default sameSite cookie values, short: lax, long: none (cfb1a70)
  • it is now possible to issue Refresh Tokens without the offline_access scope, these refresh tokens
    and all access tokens issued from it will be unusable when the session they're tied to gets
    removed or its subject changes
    • Session now has a uid property which persists throughout the cookie identifier rotations and
      its value is stored in the related tokens as sessionUid, it is based on this value that the
      provider will perform session lookups to ensure that session bound tokens are still considered
    • by default a session bound grant is one without offline_access, this can be changed, or
      completely disabled to restore previous behaviour with a new expiresWithSession helper
  • issueRefreshToken configuration helper has been added, it allows to define specific client and
    context based policy about whether a refresh token should be issued or not to a client
  • interactions will now be requested multiple times if the authorization request context cannot be
    resolved yet. This means you can now resolve one prompt at a time. When you load the interaction
    details (using provider.interactionDetails()), in addition to details.params containing the
    complete parsed authorization parameters object, you now also have access to details.prompt
    containing an object with the prompt details.
    • has the name prompt, e.g. login
    • details.prompt.reasons has an array of reasons the prompt is being requested, e.g. ["max_age"]
    • details.prompt.details contains is an object of details you might need to resolve the prompt
    • details.session is an object containing details about the OP session as-is at the moment
      of requesting interaction
      • details.session.uid is the internal session's uid
      • details.session.cookie is the session cookie value
      • details.session.acr is the current session's acr if there's one
      • details.session.amr is the current session's amr if there's one
      • details.session.accountId
  • interactions results consent.rejectedScopes and consent.rejectedClaims will no longer
    replace the existing values, the rejected scopes and claims will accumulate instead, the same
    happens with what's assumed accepted (that is everything thats been requested and wasn't rejected)
  • end_session_endpoint now accepts a POST with the parameters being in the body of the request,
    this is so that clients avoid URL length limits and exposing PII in the URL. See
    OIDC Issues tracker
  • Updated OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Client Authentication and Certificate-Bound Access Tokens draft
    implementation - draft 13
    • client's certificate_bound_access_tokens, now also binds the Refresh Token if the client is
      using "none" endpoint auth method
    • SAN based client properties are now recognized, they are not however, supported and will throw
      when presented
  • Updated Device Flow draft implementation - draft 15
    • the same client authentication as for token_endpoint is now used at the device_authorization_endpoint
    • once a user code passes the device confirmation prompt it cannot be used again
  • end_session_endpoint is now always available, it is not bound to any of the session or logout
    specification features
  • clients may now have a scope property, when set authorization requests for this client
    must stay within those whitelisted scopes
  • end_session_endpoint will now drop session-bound tokens for the clients/grants encountered
    in the session
  • when the existing session's subject (end-user identifier) differs from one inside interaction
    results the provider will bounce the user agent through the end_session_endpoint to perform a
    "clean" logout - drop the session, perform front and back-channel logout notifications (if
    enabled) and revoke grants (if bound to session)
  • end session endpoint will now revoke tokens bound to the user-agent session by grantId for the
    clients that have had their authorization removed
  • rotateRefreshToken configuration added, it can be a function to allow for client and context
    based policy for deciding whether refresh token should rotated or not
  • the provider can now process non-openid authorization requests
    • requests without an openid scope or scope parameter altogether will be processed as plain
      OAuth2.0 authorization requests
    • this has a few exceptions:
      • response types that include id_token still require the openid scope
      • use of openid feature related parameters such as claims, acr_values, id_token_hint and
        max_age still require the openid scope
      • use of openid feature related client attributes such as default_acr_values,
        default_max_age, require_auth_time still require the openid scope
    • use of the userinfo_endpoint is only possible with access tokens that have the openid scope
    • note: the scope claim in JWT access tokens will be missing if the parameter was missing as well,
      dtto for the scope property in your persitent storage
  • authorization parameter max_age=0 now behaves like prompt=login (dtto client's
  • every model now has its own saved and destroyed event emitted by the provider, sessions and
    interactions too, the convention is {snake_cased_model_name}.{saved|destroyed}
  • urn: request_uri support added, provided that one overloads
    provider.Client.prototype.requestUriAllowed and provider.requestUriCache.resolveUrn
  • http: request_uris are now allowed under the assumption that the request object it yields is
    verifiable (signed and/or symmetrically encrypted)
  • added invalid_software_statement and unapproved_software_statement exported errors


  • node.js minimal version is now v12.0.0 due to its added
    EdDSA support (crypto.sign, crypto.verify and EdDSA key objects)
  • the default enabled response types now omit all that
    result in access tokens being issued by the authorization endpoint
    and delivered via a fragment. If you're upgrading just configure
    responseTypes to include the ones you need for legacy purposes.
  • interactionUrl is now interactions.url
  • interactionCheck has been removed and replaced with a new format
  • interactionUrl configuration option is now
  • the route name for jwks_uri is now jwks (was
    certificates). If you're upgrading and use a custom path for
    certificates make sure to use the routes.jwks now to configure the
  • the default path for route jwks (certificates) is now
    /jwks. If you're upgrading and want to (you probably do) keep using
    the old path, make sure to configure routes.jwks with the old value
  • PBES2-* Content Encryption Key encryption now correctly
    uses the client_secret value rather than its SHA digest.
  • when neither interactions nor custom middlewares result
    in the authorization chain having an account identifier the server will
    now resolve the request with access_denied error.
  • when neither interactions nor custom middlewares result
    in the authorization chain having resolved an accepted scope the server
    will now resolve the request with access_denied error.
  • default rotateRefreshToken configuration value
    is now a function with a described policy that follows
    OAuth 2.0 Security Best Current Practice
  • removed features.discovery and it is now always-on, no
    point in disabling discovery, ever.
  • logoutPendingSource no longer receives a timeout
  • provider.defaultHttpOptions setter was removed, use
    the new httpOptions configuration helper function instead
  • provider now asserts that client's
    backchannel_logout_uri returns a 200 OK response as per specification.
  • provider.IdToken.prototype.sign is renamed to
  • PKCE code_challenge and code_verifier is now checked
    to be 43-128 characters long and conforms to the allowed character set
    of [A-Z] / [a-z] / [0-9] / - / . / _ / ~. PKCE is now also
    ignored for the Device Code authorization request and token exchange.
  • findById helper was renamed to findAccount
  • postLogoutRedirectUri configuration option is removed
    in favour of postLogoutSuccessSource. This is used to render a success
    page out of the box rather then redirecting nowhere.
  • since provider is now available on ctx.oidc.provider
    the registerGrantType now expects the second argument to be the handler
  • provider.initialize() has been removed.
  • what was previously passed to initialize() as
    keystore must now be passed as configuration property (as jwks and
    it must be a JWKS formatted object, no longer a KeyStore instance.
  • what was previously passed to initialize() as
    clients must now be passed as configuration property (as clients).
    These "static" clients are no longer validated during the instantiation
    but just like with adapter-loaded clients - when they're first needed.
  • what was previously passed to initialize() as
    adapter must now be passed as configuration property (as adapter).
  • provider will no longer call adapter's connect
  • Due to request's maintenance mode and inevitable
    deprecation (see request/request#3142)
    the option to switch the provider to use request has been removed.
  • end_session_endpoint will now throw an error when
    clients provide post_logout_redirect_uri but fail to provide an
    id_token_hint. See
  • all exported JWK related methods have been removed
  • JWT Access Token can now only be signed using the provider's asymmetric keys, client's HS will no
    longer be used
  • sid ID Token claim is now only returned when the client requests it using the claims parameter
    or has the appropriate back/front channel logout uris enabled and front/backchannel_logout_session_required
    set to true
  • clients with request_object_signing_alg set must now always provide a request object,
    authorization requests will fail with invalid_request when request or request_uri is missing
    for such clients
  • adapter changes to accomodate new functionality
    • it is no longer desired to drop all related tokens when #destroy is called
    • Session adapter instance expects to have a findByUid method which resolves with the same data
      as find does only the reference is the session's uid property. This is only needed when
      utilizing the new session-bound tokens
    • AccessToken, RefreshToken, AuthorizationCode & DeviceCode adapter instances expect to have
      revokeByGrantId method which accepts a string parameter grantId and revokes all tokens
      with its matching value in the grantId property
  • only AccessToken and ClientCredentials may have a format. All other tokens are now forced to
    be opaque
  • clientCacheDuration configuration option and provider.Client.cacheClear method have been
    removed, the provider now handles everything internally and Client objects are re-instantiated
    automatically if the client's configuration changes.
  • token.* events are no longer emitted, instead each token has its own event, sessions and
    interactions too, the convention is snake_cased_model_name.*
  • features.pkce and features.oauthNativeApps have been removed and they are always in effect,
    PKCE is always forced on native clients
  • iss is no longer pushed to token/model storage payloads
  • features.sessionManagement.thirdPartyCheckUrl has been removed
  • features.alwaysIssueRefresh has been removed
  • features.refreshTokenRotation has been renamed to features.rotateRefreshToken and its values
    are now true/false or a function that returns true/false when a refresh token should or should not
    be rotated
  • features.conformIdTokenClaims is not a feature anymore, it is just conformIdTokenClaims in the
    configuration object's root
  • revoking an Access Token via the revocation_endpoint will not revoke the whole grant any more
  • default interaction cookie name value changed from _grant to _interaction
  • default resume cookie name value changed from _grant to _interaction_resume
  • all references to ctx.oidc.uuid are now ctx.oidc.uid and the format is now a random string,
    not a uuid
  • nearly all emitted events have had their arguments shuffled and/or changed to allow for ctx to
    be first
  • nearly all helper functions have had their arguments shuffled and/or changed to allow for ctx to
    be the first amongst them (oh yeah, ctx has been added almost everywhere)
  • all configuration features are no longer booleans, they're objects with all their relevant
    configuration in the defaults.js file and docs/ Old configuration format is not
    accepted anymore
  • some configuration properties that only relate to a specific features were moved from the root
    level to the feature's configuration level and have been renamed, these are
    • deviceFlowSuccess -> features.deviceFlow.successSource
    • frontchannelLogoutPendingSource -> features.frontchannelLogout.logoutPendingSource
    • userCodeConfirmSource -> features.deviceFlow.userCodeConfirmSource
    • userCodeInputSource -> features.deviceFlow.userCodeInputSource
  • Session model has been split to Session and Interaction
  • interaction login result now defaults to remember: true
  • legacy storage format has been removed
  • adding additional audiences through the audiences helper is now only possible for Access Tokens
    (AccessToken and ClientCredentials)
  • the .well-known/webfinger endpoint that always returned success is removed
  • default deviceFlow.deviceInfo userAgent property is now ua

Other changes / deprecations

  • example mongo and redis adapters revised
  • example redis with ReJSON module adapter added
  • example unmaintained adapters removed