Payara Blue
released this
17 Nov 11:53
10943 commits
to main
since this release
Fixed Issues
This section details the issues that have been fixed for this release.
Bugs & Fixes
- [PAYARA-1615] - HealthCheck machine memory usage inaccurate
- [PAYARA-1679] - Deploying to DAS fails when there are multiple clusters available
- [PAYARA-1797] - When managing virtual servers for an application deployed to a cluster, only the cluster ref is changed
- [PAYARA-1840] - RAR file loading fails from Uberjar when there's no ra.xml
- [PAYARA-1890] - Engine name says weld rather than CDI
- [PAYARA-1904] - The get/set-config-ordinal asadmin command does not accept JNDI as a valid source
- [PAYARA-1906] - JAX-RS resources are displayed as JSP in the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-1907] - CDI Weld probe activated causes exceptions with stateless EJBs
- [PAYARA-1919] - asadmin recorder tab has incorrect highlighting
- [PAYARA-1922] - Wrong file structure when packaging a custom glassfish-acc.xml file with the package-appclient utility script
- [PAYARA-1924] - Some notifiers through a NPE in handleNotification and not configured
- [PAYARA-1949] - Stop JMX monitoring plugin from being packaged with micro
- [PAYARA-1950] - Versioned applications break deployment of other applications
- [PAYARA-1951] - Refactor usage of deprecated addAnnotatedType method from BeforeBeanDiscovery
- [PAYARA-1952] - Payara Embedded throws a NoClassDefFoundError on startup
- [PAYARA-1957] - Post boot commands parser errors out with speech marks
- [PAYARA-1960] - CORBA thread pool issues
- [PAYARA-1962] - Hazelcast Serializer Configuration possibly mistakenly is overridden
- [PAYARA-1966] - Problem when initialising Timer Store' on Payara Micro 173 with --noCluster
- [PAYARA-1968] - Small visual issue in the Batch Admin UI
- [PAYARA-1983] - Payara Fang Resource Bundle
- [PAYARA-1988] - JDBC Connection Pooling - monitoring values can become negative
- [PAYARA-1991] - Micro instances send the name instead of the instance UUID
- [PAYARA-1992] - JMX monitoring data collection not stops and send data with weird frequency
- [PAYARA-1997] - BATCH CLI: NPE on asadmin list-batch-job-executions
- [PAYARA-2001] - Fix time help label on JMX Monitoring page
- [PAYARA-2002] - Tabs on Application are incorrectly displayed
- [PAYARA-2003] - Payara ignores variables in asenv.conf that begin with the letter "S"
- [PAYARA-2005] - Improper message from start-domain -debug mode
- [PAYARA-2006] - The value of "Group List" in "Realm User" cannot be deleted
- [PAYARA-2008] - CPU Healthcheck Percentage Wrong
- [PAYARA-2010] - The connection pool checker is broken and prevents server from starting if configuration exists.
- [PAYARA-2013] - The number of times EJB create method is called is incorrect in JConsole
- [PAYARA-2015] - Threads on remote applications (appclient) using the ORB do not gracefully shut down
- [PAYARA-2016] - JBoss logging needs to be updated
- [PAYARA-2019] - CDI Weld probe activated causes NPE in FilterDefDecorator for Async Request
- [PAYARA-2021] - CDI Dev Mode UI broken in admin console
- [PAYARA-2025] - CDI Dev Mode checkbox enabled by default
- [PAYARA-2029] - Possible NPE in the get-rest-monitoring-configuration command
- [PAYARA-2033] - Support for boolean get method names
- [PAYARA-2034] - CommandRunner parsing extra properties error
- [PAYARA-2036] - With SecurityManager on, Servlet API call for HttpServletRequest.logout() throws AccessControlException
- [PAYARA-2037] - Variable substitution isn't performed in persistence.xml for Properties
- [PAYARA-2040] - JMS physical destination config true/false values incorrectly fetched
- [PAYARA-2047] - CDI Beans annotated with @Traced aren't traced
- [PAYARA-2050] - NPE when deploying versioned applications
- [PAYARA-2052] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.5
- [PAYARA-2053] - update-connector-security-map cannot change user-groups to principals and vice versa
- [PAYARA-2056] - NPE at PoolManagerImpl.handleLazilyAssociatedConnectionPools()
- [PAYARA-2057] - commons-fileupload derived issue
- [PAYARA-2058] - Exception when changing HTTP listener config
- [PAYARA-2060] - HealthCheck service logs WARNING on every CDI event bus event received
- [PAYARA-2063] - Setting Payara Micro system properties fails
- [PAYARA-2065] - Web-service endpoint is not available for the deployed EJB application
- [PAYARA-2066] - Validation for duplicate @ManagedBean names
- [PAYARA-2074] - Handle log messages in MessageFormat by escaping double single quote
- [PAYARA-2075] - asadmin set command throws NPE on beans with readonly properties
- [PAYARA-2086] - Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation cannot be disabled
- [PAYARA-2110] - Default TimerPool resource absent in cluster-config
- [PAYARA-2111] - Warning in logs with an error page
- [PAYARA-2115] - Direct String references to AS-WEB-GLUE- or AS-WEB-CORE-
- [PAYARA-2117] - {resourcename.isnot.unique} message key is shown when create-connector-resource with same resource name as other pool name
- [PAYARA-2122] - No Content-Type header for JSON files
- [PAYARA-2124] - update-connector-security-map can't delete backend principal password
- [PAYARA-2126] - DataSource returns null connection when obtained from JNDI lookup
- [PAYARA-2127] - asadmin subcommand output CLI031 warning message
- [PAYARA-2128] - A thread pool with a special character cannot be deleted
- [PAYARA-2129] - Web container still does not call AsyncContext.complete() on timeout/exception
- [PAYARA-2131] - Move Managed Bean DOL validation code
- [PAYARA-2132] - Deleting JMS Physical Destinations results in a 404 error
- [PAYARA-2135] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.5
- [PAYARA-2136] - Dead lock occurs when both HttpSession#invalidate() and HttpSession#getAttribute(String) are called at the same time
- [PAYARA-2139] - Number of Stateful session beans in Passive state is not updated (always 0) in JConsole
- [PAYARA-2145] - SessionContext.getCallerPrincipal() returns previous principal on TimerService
- [PAYARA-2155] - Directory traversal exposes file system resources
- [PAYARA-2157] - EE schema metadata-complete attribute should only be applicable to annotations without corresponding deployment descriptor element
- [PAYARA-2158] - IllegalArgumentException when configuring the connector security map
- [PAYARA-2159] - Unable to Save in "Edit Connector Connection Pool Security Map" in Admin GUI
- [PAYARA-2160] - Resource validation during deployment
- [PAYARA-2166] - Deploy without checking the database fails when deploying a Persistence Unit
- [PAYARA-2167] - Honour default-context-path in web.xml in case of an ear
- [PAYARA-2168] - Race condition in ConnectionPool (connectors-runtime)
- [PAYARA-2172] - Configuring the Request Tracing Notifiers for a Standalone/Cluster instance actually configures the notifiers for the DAS
- [PAYARA-2178] - Micro postboot commands should skip empty lines
- [PAYARA-2181] - Trying to use less than a second on monitoring page for the refresh rate causes an error
- [PAYARA-2187] - JDK 8 profile for Soteria on Payara 4
- [PAYARA-2190] - REST Monitoring can't be enabled
- [PAYARA-2191] - Configuring the HealthCheck Notifiers for a Standalone/Cluster instance targets DAS
- [PAYARA-2192] - Configuring the JMX Monitoring Notifiers for a Standalone/Cluster instance targets DAS
- [PAYARA-2194] - Remove archive name suffix for module names
- [PAYARA-2195] - Add log message in server.log when skipping resource validation
- [PAYARA-2197] - scanXmlDefinedClasses in webFragment application
- [PAYARA-2198] - No confirmation message is displayed on Enable/Disable action
- [PAYARA-2199] - Can't create Connector Connection Pool for inbound RA deployed on a cluster
- [PAYARA-2200] - Intermittent failure on nonBlockingInputWithAsyncDispatch
- [PAYARA-2204] - Connection Pool bug occurs when Connection Validation is enabled and "On Any Failure Close All Connections" option is used
- [PAYARA-2208] - Disable autocomplete in console pages
- [PAYARA-2209] - Warn if SFSB lifecycle callbacks use container-transaction that is not RequiresNew or NotSupported
- [PAYARA-2210] - Async listener onTimeout calling complete causes NPE
- [PAYARA-2211] - Validate resource adapter name
- [PAYARA-2215] - Payara Micro start parameter --addjars not working on windows
- [PAYARA-2231] - Create New Network Listener link not working
- [PAYARA-2236] - JBatch support for H2 database
- [PAYARA-2238] - Request Tracing Runtime Exception in Admin Console
- [PAYARA-2240] - JMX Monitoring values with spaces can now be escaped instead of breaking
- [PAYARA-2247] - Disable JMX Log Monitoring service by default
- [PAYARA-2255] - Fix intermittent start-up issues with Payara 173
New Features
- [PAYARA-1891] - Support ANSI Coloured Logs in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1905] - Integrate JMX monitoring with the notification service
- [PAYARA-1911] - Admin console integration for Jolokia monitoring
- [PAYARA-1923] - Integrate Soteria into 4.x branch
- [PAYARA-2179] - Add JMX-monitoring to micro distribution
- [PAYARA-1377] - Remove deprecated asadmin commands for notifier configuration from requestTracing and notification itself
- [PAYARA-1744] - Add support for environment variables to the pre and post boot commands
- [PAYARA-1843] - Improve descriptive text on the JMX Monitoring config
- [PAYARA-1894] - Add Deployment Date/Time alongside Deployment Time in the admin console
- [PAYARA-1895] - Request tracing data needs a time reference
- [PAYARA-1902] - Historic request races should display human-readable date
- [PAYARA-1953] - Admin console integration for notifiers with JMX monitoring
- [PAYARA-1954] - Add get-rest-monitoring-configuration command
- [PAYARA-1958] - Set all dependency versions within the pom to use the ${artifactId.version} pattern
- [PAYARA-1961] - Refactor payara-fang to rest-monitoring-service
- [PAYARA-1972] - The button to launch CDI Probe hidden when Weld dev mode enabled by sys prop or context param
- [PAYARA-1994] - Change Payara Micro --addJars command to --addLibs
- [PAYARA-2039] - Update Microprofile Config implementation to 1.1
- [PAYARA-2125] - Replace hardcoded versions with maven properties
- [PAYARA-2174] - Option to prefer module name specified in ejb-jar.xml over the name argument to deploy
- [PAYARA-2248] - Disable notifier service by default in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2249] - Phone Home should not update domain.xml in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2250] - Remove MEJB service from Micro as it wastes boot time
Security Fixes
- [PAYARA-2109] - Protect Admin Console Web Pages against Clickjacking/UI Redress attacks
- [PAYARA-2151] - Backport fix for CVE-2017-12615 from Apache Tomcat
- [PAYARA-2152] - Confirm Payara is unaffected by CVE-2017-12616
Upstream Bugs
- [PAYARA-1920] - Multibyte character added into domain.xml in ML version
- [PAYARA-2182] - OpenMQ causing a deadlock
- [PAYARA-2244] - Deploy Failure with CDI NONE configuration "CDI deployment failure:null"
Component Upgrades
- [PAYARA-1269] - Upgrade libpam4j to v1.8 with groupid: org.kohsuke
- [PAYARA-2055] - Upgrade OpenMQ to
- [PAYARA-2064] - Upgrade Hazelcast to 3.8.5
- [PAYARA-2146] - Upgrade PFL to 4.0.1-b002
- [PAYARA-2161] - Upgrade Weld to 2.4.5.Final
- [PAYARA-2234] - Upgrade JUnit to 4.12
Known Issues
Known issues can be seen on our GitHub issues page here: