- Upgraded the data-collector SDK to version 3.21.0 which made updates to Device Data collection related to Google Play's User Data Policy
Note: If you are seeing the Play Store flag your APK after updating to this version, please try following these steps:
- Go to your Play Console
- Select the app
- Go to App bundle explorer
- Select the violating APK/app bundle's App version at the top right dropdown menu, and make a note of which releases they are under
- Go to the track with the violation. It will be one of these 4 pages: Internal / Closed / Open testing or Production
- Near the top right of the page, click Create new release. (You may need to click Manage track first)
If the release with the violating APK is in a draft state, discard the release - Add the new version of app bundles or APKs
Make sure the non-compliant version of app bundles or APKs is under the Not included section of this release - To save any changes you make to your release, select Save
- When you've finished preparing your release, select Review release, and then proceed to roll out the release to 100%.
- If the violating APK is released to multiple tracks, repeat steps 5-9 in each track