A general project template for Deep Learning projects
Replace requirements/requirements.txt with your own. Add further packages in setup.sh if needed.
Run requirements/setup.sh to install packages.
chmod +x requirements/setup.sh requirements/setup.sh
Raw data for Imagenet & COCO2017 should be downloaded yourself, and its directory must be specified in the runnable shell file for use.
Create your shell file in run/ and execute the program. The following is an example.
chmod +x run/sample.sh run/sample.sh
By the way, you'll need a wandb account to run the sample shell file. Check here to get started with WandB!
For parallel computing, start off with the following command. The following is for the case when you have 8 GPU's available.
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env src/main.py --...