A command line server to create and listen as a smtp server. The every mail send to the server will transfer to sendgrid account to delivery to receiver.
npm install smtp2sendgrid -g
You can use -h to see the help page:
$ smtp2sendgrid -h
Usage: smtp2sendgrid [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-u, --username <sendgrid user name> Specific the sendgrid username for login
-p, --password <sendgrid password> Specific the sendgrid password for login
-t, --tmp <tmp file location> We will save the content to file in the tmp path
Sample command:
sudo smtp2sendgrid -u [sendgrid-username] -p [sendgrid-password] -t [tmp-file-folder]
var nu = require('nodeutil');
var mailer = require('nodeutil').mailutil;
var ip = 'the-ip-address-you-use-for-server';
{"smtpOptions":{"host":ip}, "sender": "NO-REPLY <[email protected]>"}
mailer.sendNodeMailAsync('[email protected]',
'test mail send...',
'send mail OK!',
console.log('Send mail done...');
Thank for use, report bug : [email protected]