me . blog . twitter . linkedin
As a software developer based in the Netherlands, I thrive on tackling challenges that push me beyond my comfort zone. My passion lies in creating solutions that are both efficient and creative.
Apart from coding, I also maintain a blog and a portfolio. These platforms serve as a space for me to share my insights, experiences, and creative endeavors. Let's connect on LinkedIn and feel free to drop me a message.
const about_me = {
currentFocus: "Exploring mobile development with MAUI",
experience: ["Typescript", "React","C#", "F#", "C++"],
goal: "Automate everything! 📈 🚀",
profession: "Full-stack developer",
interests: {
learning: ["MAUI", "ML","Data Processing","React Native","🦄 Web3", "CBDC"],
blogging: "🧑💻 Writing about .NET Core, DevOps tricks, DDD, Clean code and blockchain",