This repo is being kept for posterity and will be archived in a readonly state. If you're interested it can be forked under a new Composer namespace/GitHub organization.
Utility used to generate files for Phergie plugins.
Simply clone or download this repository and run the install command of composer from the repository root.
Run bin/phergie-scaffold
from any directory. Within that directory, a new
directory will be created containing files for a new plugin based on input
gathered by the program when it is run.
$ ./bin/phergie-scaffold
Short plugin name: Test
Plugin purpose: testing the scaffolding tool
Plugin URL:
Author name (default Phergie Development Team):
Author e-mail address (default [email protected]):
Author URL (default
License name (default Simplified BSD License):
License URL (default
Composer license value (default BSD-2-Clause):
Copyright years (default 2015): 2008-2015
composer.json name attribute (default phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react-test):
Repo URL (default
Issues URL:
PHP namespace (default Phergie\Irc\Plugin\React\Test):
Command plugin (y/n, default n):
Command to run composer (default php ~/bin/composer.phar):
Created plugin directory phergie-irc-plugin-react-test
Created plugin directory phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/src
Created plugin directory phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/tests/Phergie/Irc/Plugin/React/Test
Initialized git repository in plugin directory phergie-irc-plugin-react-test
Created plugin file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/src/Plugin.php
Created test file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/tests/Phergie/Irc/Plugin/React/Test/PluginTest.php
Created PHPUnit file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/tests/phpunit.xml
Created Travis CI file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/.travis.yml
Created license file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/LICENSE
Created README file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/
Created composer file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/composer.json
Created .gitignore file phergie-irc-plugin-react-test/.gitignore
Installing composer dependencies in plugin directory phergie-irc-plugin-react-test
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev)
An optional configuration file can be used to control the default setting
values that are used. The path to this configuration file is assumed by be
by default, but can be changed by passing a different
path as the first parameter to bin/phergie-scaffold
This file uses a simple line-based X=Y format. Here are the supported settings for which values may be specified in this file:
Name | Description | Default Value |
author_email | E-mail address of the plugin author | [email protected] |
author_name | Name of the plugin author | Phergie Development Team |
author_url | URL of the web site for the plugin author | |
base_composer_name | Prefix for composer name attribute to which the specified value for "Short plugin name" will be appended |
phergie/phergie-irc-plugin-react- |
base_namespace | Base namespace to which the specified value for "Short plugin name" will be appended | Phergie\\Irc\\Plugin\\React\\ |
base_repo_url | Base repo URL to which the full composer package name will be appended | |
command_event_class | Event class or interface used for command events | Phergie\\Irc\\Plugin\\React\\Command\\CommandEvent |
command_handler_method | Name of the handler method stub in the plugin class for command events | handleCommand |
command_plugin | y/n flag indicating whether the plugin is a command plugin | n |
composer_command | Command used to invoke Composer | php ~/bin/composer.phar |
copyright_years | Range of copyright years for the plugin source code | String containing the current year |
license_name | Name of the license for the plugin | Simplified BSD License |
license_url | URL of the license for the plugin | |
license_value | Composer value of the license for the plugin | BSD-2-Clause |
standard_event_class | Event class or interface used for non-command events | Phergie\\Irc\\Event\\EventInterface |
standard_handler_method | Name of the handler method stub in the plugin class for non-command events | handleEvent |
Here's an example configuration file:
[email protected]
author_name=Matthew Turland
license_name=MIT License
Released under the BSD License. See LICENSE