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Code to generate the results presented in "Windischhofer, Zgubic, Bortoletto: Preserving physically important variables in optimal event selections: A case study in Higgs physics" arXiv:1907.02098

With this repository, you can do the following:

  • train a pivotal classifier
  • apply it to define signal regions
  • evaluate the performance of the analysis


Disclaimer: these instructions have been tested on CentOS 7 with kernel 3.10.

Clone this repository, create a virtual python3 environment and install dependencies

git clone -b paper $SRC_DIR
python3 -m venv .

$SRC_DIR is some local directory where you want to keep the code. [$SRC_DIR is meant to reference the source directory you want to use. You can either define an environment variable to keep track of it (export SRC_DIR="/path/to/source"), or just keep the path explicit.]

Some of the dependencies require a local installation of ROOT (including pyROOT). As we require python3 and the pyROOT bindings, building ROOT from source is probably the best option.

Download the ROOT source and store it in the local directory $ROOT_SRC_DIR:

git clone $ROOT_SRC_DIR
git checkout -b v6-18-00 v6-18-00

We are going to install ROOT in the directory $ROOT_INSTALL_DIR. The installation will be completely self-contained and not mess with any other local installation of ROOT you may have. To undo the installation, it is sufficient to just do rm -rf $ROOT_INSTALL_DIR $ROOT_SRC_DIR.

cmake --build . -- -j8

where $PATH_TO_PYTHON_3 is the path to the Python3 interpreter you want to use (usually $SRC_DIR/bin/python). Make sure to add $ROOT_SRC_DIR/lib to your PYTHONPATH to allow pyroot to be imported! You can use e.g. $SRC_DIR/ to do that.

Then, activate the virtual environment and install the remaining dependencies.

source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


To run a training campaign (assuming you want to locate the output at $TRAIN_DIR):

mkdir $TRAIN_DIR
cp examples/Master.conf $TRAIN_DIR
python --confpath $TRAIN_DIR/Master.conf --nrep 1

Here, nrep is the number of trainings that should be carried out for each parameter point. Master.conf is a configuration file that specifies the settings that are to be used for the training. You may want to have a look at it and play with the settings. The default values are such as to guarantee a quick completion of the training, but will not achieve competitive sensitivity.

The config file also allows performing sweeps over an arbitrary number of these parameters (in the example used, the Lagrange multiplier lambda is swept). Refer to utils/ConfigFileSweeper/ for more details. Warning: the above command will spin up many processes on your local machine. If you have a Condor batch system available, change submitter in base/ accordingly.

This repository contains a small training dataset (100000 events per signal and background process) in examples/training-MadGraphPy8-ATLAS-small.h5, which is used by default. This should be enough to play with the method, but not enough to reach optimum performance. A larger dataset is available from the authors upon request.


To evaluate the classifier and generate the output for an Asimov fit:

python $TRAIN_DIR/Master_slice_*

To perform an Asimov fit:

python $TRAIN_DIR/Master_slice_*

Note: for this step, you need to have a local installation of HistFitter available! Installation instructions are available at Once the installation has completed, you need to correctly set the path to your local HistFitter installation directory in

In case you do not want to evaluate Asimov sensitivities, you can skip this step. You will then be unable to run below.

Visualisation / Plotting

To produce the summary plots:

python --plotdir $PLOT_DIR $TRAIN_DIR/Master_slice_* 
python --plotdir $PLOT_DIR $TRAIN_DIR/Master_slice_* 

Here, $PLOT_DIR is the directory where the plots should be stored. MakeGlobalAnalysisPlots generates generic performance plots, based on the binned significance. MakeGlobalAsimovPlots takes the results from the Asimov fit and visualises them.

A brief guide to the code

The training is done by the modules training and models. You may especially want to look at AdversarialEnvironment (which builds the TensorFlow model) and AdversarialTrainer which does the actual training. The plotting module does exactly what it is supposed to. dataprep and utils contain code that is used to prepare and preprocess the MC training dataset, and is included here for completeness. The main configuration file is base/


Bringing pivotal classifiers to Higgs physics.






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