A simple G-code feeder that can be accessed wirelessly. G-codes can be sent manually by the http:// API or automatically from a G-code file. Example application: thingiverse.com/thing:3960533
- This firmware is developed for the Wemos D1 mini with attached OLED display shield and the GRBL CNC firmware.
- see also this docs
The G-code feeder communicates by serial connection with the CNC controller (Arduino UNO + GRBL firmware). The communication stream consists of standard G-codes from feeder and GRBL responses from CNC the controller. The feeder provides a simple user interface by http:// that can be invoked with get parameters which are responded in JSON format. The UI is tailored for manual invokation but also for scripting. It allows to send G-codes manually or by automatic processing from G-code file stored on the microcontrollers file system. In case of file processing, each line is sent to the controller but postponed until the motion has stopped.
Build + Installation
- platformio intalled
- Wemos D1 mini
- OLED shield
- wireless LAN
Bild / test / flash:
# unit tests
platformio test --environment native
# build + flash gcode feeder (this repository)
platformio run --environment d1 --target uploadfs
platformio run --environment d1 --target upload
pio device monitor
# build + flash grbl (repository: https://github.com/photogrammetry-scanner/grbl)
make all
avrdude -c arduino -P /dev/ttyACM0 -p atmega328p -B 10 -F -U flash:w:grbl.hex:i
On first installation the wireless manager will open an access point with captive portal to configure the username/passwort for the local wireless lan.
Once the controller is connected as station to WLAN, the IP-address for accessing the http::// UI will be shown on the display.
- web based UI (needs wireless AP; no keyboard input etc.)
- wifi manager for first activation
- API via http:// (for scripting or manual invocation)
- GET request
- JSON response
- file manipulation
- view content
- upload (POST, stream)
- delete
- run gcode from file
- retrieve controller status
- all ESP controler information
- currently executed gcode state (transmission, response, error code, motion finished, ...)
- minor status information on display