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Script configuration

Pi Home Server edited this page Apr 14, 2018 · 4 revisions

Here is the list of available parameters

Parameter Description Default value
LOGNAME Define the filename that will be used as a log while installing the hotspot pihotspot.log
LOGPATH Path where the logfile will be stored. Be sure to add a / at the end of the path /var/log/
MYSQL_PASSWORD Password for user root. The user root is the one set for MySql/MariaDB. Not the root of the system pihotspot
HOTSPOT_NAME Name of the hotspot that will be visible for users/customers pihotspot
HOTSPOT_NETWORK Network where the hotspot is located Must be different than the network on your eth0 interface
HOTSPOT_IP IP of the hotspot Must be one address on the hotspot network defined by HOTSPOT_NETWORK parameter
WIFI_COUNTRY_CODE Wi-fi code country. Use this link to find yours FR
FREERADIUS_SECRETKEY Secret key shared with Coova to allow Coova to request to Freeradius. Should not be changed `cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1`
WAN_INTERFACE Set IP of the Network interface exposed to Internet (WAN). By default it's eth0 (or long name for Debian 9+). Take care that it should be a static IP `ip link show | grep '^[1-9]' | awk -F ':' '{print $2}' | awk '{$1=$1};1' | grep '^e'`
LAN_INTERFACE Interface used to create the Hotspot wlan0
LAN_WIFI_DRIVER Wifi driver. This script has only be tested with the default driver of the embedded chipset on the Raspberry Pi. If you change it, be sure that Hostapd supports it and then is up and running else you will have no hotspot available nl80211
HASERL_INSTALL Install Haserl (required if you want to use the default Coova Portal). Set value to Y or N N
HOTSPOT_HTTPS Use HTTPS to connect to web portal. The script will generate a self signed certificate that will be used to expose the portal. That means that users will have to accept the certificate first before getting an access to the portal. Set value to Y or N N
CERT_PASSWORD Password used for the generation of the certificate if you decide to activate the HTTPS for the Hotspot with _HOTSPOT_HTTPS pihotspot
CERT_DAYS Number of days to certify the certificate for the portal (default 2 years) if you decide to activate the HTTPS for the Hotspot with _HOTSPOT_HTTPS 730
AVAHI_INSTALL Allow to install Avahi. Let you access the hotspot using .local domain. Set value to Y or N Y
DALORADIUS_INSTALL Install Daloradius Portal (compatible with FreeRadius 2 only in theory). Highly recommended to administrate users of your hotspot. Set value to Y or N Y
BLUETOOTH_ENABLED Enable/Disable embedded Bluetooth. Set value to Y or N N
FAIL2BAN_ENABLED Enable/Disable fail2ban to protect your server. It will block incoming requests for 10 minutes in case of 3 fails. Set value to Y or N Y
NETFLOW_ENABLED Actionvation of the net flow service to monitor traffic by connected users. Must be crossed checked with assigned IP in the radius tables. Set value to Y or N Y
NETFLOW_LOGS_DAYS Define how long Netflow logs will be stored. Sets the max life time for files generated for Netflow monitoring. The supplied maxlife_time accepts values such as 31d, 240H 1.5d etc. Accepted time scales are w (weeks) d (days) H (hours). A value of 0 disables the max lifetime limit. If no scale is given, H (hours) are assumed. By default data are stored 365 days (value set to 365d) 365d
MAC_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED Enable/Disable MAC authentication for the portal. Meaning that a user is defined by its MAC address and the password will be the defined in the parameter MAC_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD N
MAC_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD Password used to create users in case of the MAC authentication has been activated by the parameter MAC_AUTHENTICATION_ENABLED 123456