srcgen generates HEALPix map of extragalactic radio sources by randomly fill the sky with sources based on Poisson distribution, drawing their fluxes and spectral indexes from CDFs derived from Subrahmanyan et al. 2002.
This program is a striped down version of simsky (original author: Judd Bowman), which also includes routines to generate diffuse emission (that seems to be unfinished).
srcgen requires HEALPix and CFITSIO packages, included in the tar directory. Note that the more recent version of HEALPic and CFITSIO will not work due to change in libraries. In general you can:
tar xvf tar/Healpix_2.15a_2010Jun18.tar.gz
cd Healpix_2.15a
- Build the HEALPix C++ library with the cfitsio tarbal in tar directory.
- Edit the Makefile in the base directory to point to HEALPix libraies that you build
- run