This plugin was created to minimize javascript logic in the html code when dealing with front-end validation of form data.
Live example can be viewed here
Usage example
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate()">
Name (4 characters minimum):
<input name="user" data-validation="validate_min_length length4" />
Birthdate (yyyy-mm-dd):
<input name="birth" data-validation="validate_birthdate" />
<input name="website" data-validation="validate_url" />
<input type="submit" />
validate_date — yyyy-mm-dd (format can be customized, more information below)
validate_birthdate — yyyy-mm-dd, not allowing dates in the future or dates that is older then 122 years (format can be customized, more information below)
validate_time — hh:mm
validate_domain —
validate_phone — atleast 7 digits only one hyphen and plus allowed
validate_swemob — validate that the value is a swedish mobile telephone number
validate_length — Validate that input length is in given range (length3-20)
validate_swesec — validate swedish social security number
required — no validation except that a value has to be given
validate_custom — *Validate value against regexp (validate_custom regexp/^[a-z]{2} [0-9]{2}$/)
validate_num_answers — Validate that a select element has the required number of selected options (validate_num_answers num5)
Show help information automatically when input is focused
Validate given values immediately when input is blurred.
Make validation optional by adding attribute data-validation-optional="true" to the element. This means that the validation defined in data-validation only will take place in case a value is given.
Make validation dependent on another input of type checkbox being checked by adding attribute data-validation-if-checked="name of checkbox input"
It is now possible to show that the value of an input is incorrect immediately when the input gets blurred.
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate();" id="my_form">
<input type="text" name="website" data-validation="validate_url" />
Since version 1.1 it is possible to display help information for each input. The information will fade in when input is focused and fade out when input is blurred.
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate();" id="my_form">
<strong>Why not:</strong>
<textarea name="why" data-validation-help="Please give us some more information" data-validation="required"></textarea>
var myConf = {
// Name of element attribute holding the validation rules (default is data-validation)
validationRuleAttribute : 'class',
// Names of inputs not to be validated even though the element attribute containing
// the validation rules tells us to
ignore : ['som-name', 'other-name'],
// Class that will be put on elements which value is invalid (default is 'error')
errorElementClass : 'error',
// Border color of elements which value is invalid, empty string to leave border
// color as it is
borderColorOnError : '#FFF',
// Class of div container showing error messages (defualt is 'error_message')
errorMessageClass : 'error_message',
// Position of error messages. Set the value to "top" if you want the error messages
// to be displayed in the top of the form. Otherwise you can set the value to
// "element", each error message will then be displayed beside the input field that
// it is refering to (default is 'top')
errorMessagePosition : 'element',
// Date format used when validating dates and birthdate. (default is yyyy-mm-dd)
dateFormat : 'dd/mm/yyyy',
// Window automatically scrolls to the top of the form when submitted data is
// invalid (default is true)
scrollToTopOnError : false,
// Name of the element attribute containing the error message that will be
// displayed instead of the error dialog that the validation function
// referrs to (default is data-validation-error-msg)
validationErrorMsgAttribute : 'data-error'
var myLang = {
errorTitle : 'Något gick fel',
requiredFields : 'Du fyllde inte i alla fält markerade med *'
.validateOnBlur(myLang, myConf)
.submit(function() {
return $(this).validate(myLang, myConf);
All error dialogs can be overwritten by passing an object into the validation function.
var jQueryFormLang = {
errorTitle : 'Form submission failed!',
requiredFields : 'You have not answered all required fields',
badTime : 'You have not given a correct time',
badEmail : 'You have not given a correct e-mail address',
badTelephone : 'You have not given a correct phone number',
badSecurityAnswer : 'You have not given a correct answer to the security question',
badDate : 'You have not given a correct date',
tooLongStart : 'You have given an answer longer than ',
tooLongEnd : ' characters',
tooShortStart : 'You have given an answer shorter than ',
tooShortEnd : ' characters',
badLength : 'You have to give an answer between ',
notConfirmed : 'Values could not be confirmed',
badDomain : 'Incorrect domain value',
badUrl : 'Incorrect url value',
badFloat : 'Incorrect float value',
badCustomVal : 'You gave an incorrect answer',
badInt : 'Incorrect integer value',
badSecurityNumber : 'Your social security number was incorrect',
badUKVatAnswer : 'Incorrect UK VAT Number',
badNumberOfSelectedOptionsStart : 'You have to choose at least ',
badNumberOfSelectedOptionsEnd : ' answers'
<script src="scripts/jquery.formvalidator.min.js"></script>
<script src="scripts/locale.en.js"></script>
<form action="script.php" onsubmit="return $(this).validate(jQueryFormLang);">
Inline error messages is also possible. If you add attribute data-validation-error-msg to an element the value of that attribute will be displayed instead of the error dialog that the validation function referrs to.
if( isset($_POST['captcha']) && isset($_SESSION['captcha'])) {
if($_POST['captcha'] != ($_SESSION['captcha'][0]+$_SESSION['captcha'][1]))
die('Invalid captcha answer'); // client does not have javascript enabled
$_SESSION['captcha'] = array( mt_rand(0,9), mt_rand(1, 9) );
<form action="" onsubmit="return $(this).validate();">
What is the sum of <?=$_SESSION['captcha'][0]?> + <?=$_SESSION['captcha'][1]?>? (security question)
<input name="captcha" data-validation="validate_spamcheck captcha<?=( $_SESSION['capthca'][0] + $_SESSION['captcha'][1] )?>"
<p><input type="submit" /></p>
History (<span id="maxlength">50</span> characters left)
<textarea rows="3" id="area"></textarea>
<script type="text/javascript">
<p>Password: <input type="password" name="pass" data-validation="validate_confirmation" /></p>
<p>Confirm password: <input type="password" name="pass_confirmation" /></p>
Victor Jonsson
Joel Sutherland (contributor)
Steve Wasiura (contributor)
Matt Clements (contributor)
dfcplc (contributor)
Scott Gonzales (URL regexp)