Copyright (c) 2024 PlanV
Welcome to the PlanV Verilator Feature Tests repository! This repo is designed to help you run and contribute tests for Verilator-based projects. Below, you'll find instructions on how to get started, run tests, and contribute.
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ │ └── PlanV_verilator_feature_tests.yml
├── scripts
│ ├── run
│ └── ciSystemRuner
│ └── ..
├── planv_tests
│ ├── feature_tests
│ │ └── ...
│ └── uvm_tests
│ └── ...
Ensure you have the following installed:
- GCC (preferably gcc-12)
- Python 3 with
- Other dependencies as listed in the
For details, refer to the .github/workflows/PlanV_verilator_feature_tests.yml
For details on the workflow, check the .github/workflows/PlanV_verilator_feature_tests.yml file. This file defines the CI/CD pipeline, including dependencies installation, setup, build, and test execution.
The scripts/ script contains the logic for setting up the environment, building the project, and running the tests.
Testing for the features/regress test, you can run on the local setup. The scripts/run script contains the logic for setting up the log and sim folder, building the project, and running the tests.
Run the script with the following format:
./scripts/run -b <branch_name> -t <test_dir/test_file>
- branch_name: Specifies the development branch from the PlanV Verilator repository.
- test_dir/test_file: Path to the .sv file within the planv_tests directory, or the directory containing .sv files in planv_tests
Example usage:
chmod +x scripts/run
./scripts/run -b master -t planv_tests/feature_tests/assertions
./scripts/run -b master -t planv_tests/feature_tests/assertions/
The scripts/run command generates essential artifacts to aid in debugging and analysis:
- Log files and HTML reports for enhanced visualization are saved in the logs directory.
- Simulation artifacts and Makefiles for the tests are located in the sim directory.
├─ logs
│ ├─ feature_tests
│ │ └─ Path_to_test_dir
│ │ │ └─ <test>
│ │ └─ test_report.log
│ │ └─ fancy_test_report_<branch>
│ ├─ uvm_tests
│ │ └─ <test>
│ └─ run.log
We welcome contributions! If you've created a test that you'd like to share:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch for your test
- Add your test to the appropriate directory (feature_tests/ or uvm_tests/)
- Commit your changes
- Push to the branch
- Create a Pull Request on GitHub
- Ensure your test is well-documented.
- Follow the existing code style and structure.
- Update the if your contribution includes significant changes.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to open an issue on GitHub or contact [email protected] .