Tkinter native drag and drop support for windows, unix and Mac OSX.
TkinterDnD2 is a python wrapper for George Petasis' tkDnD Tk extension version 2.
It is a domain public project.
tkDnD2 is a tcl/Tk extension adding native drag and drop support.
It package TkinterDnD2 and tkdnd2 into a standard python module.
When the extension is imported in python its location will be automatically added to the Tk search path.
In this project we use the pre-compiled release from and copy them in tkinterdnd2/tkdnd.
Nothing fancy:
python install
You can then import tkinterdnd2 in your project. See examples in folder "demos".
If you want to use pyinstaller, you should use the file included. Copy it in the base directory of your project, then:
pyinstaller -F -w myproject/ --additional-hooks-dir=.