- Introduction
What is crmbl?Workflow:- Project Contents
- Installation and deployment
Content Management
- Roadmap
- Contribute
- License
- Contact
This project is still in early development stages. crmbl is not intended to be hosted on servers or networks containing sensitive content.
crmbl is a content management system written primarily in PHP. It is currently being developed as an educational study, and practice for writing: clean, scalable, dynamic, and modular software architectures.
The overall goal for this project will be to deploy a web server capable of hosting:
- Static and dynamic web content held to a standard of accessible publishing. Any data that is available to all, should be accessible by all. All modules developed for this project should output with clean semantic tags, and work with browsers that do not support javascript.
A current demonstration of this project, and respective hosted sites can be found at paradoxresearch.net.
( back to top )
Without taking media folders into account, crmbl is currently structured into four sections:
- Engine
The engine contains the main project workflow, and combines the sites, modules, and templates together to create the desired output. - Sites
Sites defines each individual sites Host name, desired port, site configurations, and instructions for handling incoming HTTP requests. - Modules
Modules are additional instruction sets that are kept seperate from the site engine. Modules are the bulk of the site code, but by design should be kept seperate from one another. - Templates
Templates can be created, mixed, and reused between different maintained sites. Templates control the look, and HTML structure of the site output. - Utilities
Utilities for an admin / developer to manage content outside of the browser / PHP.
Example of a newly assembled crmbl environment:
Note: This structure currently does not contain the directory: crmbl/include/media/mod and crmbl/include/media/site
Show structure example
crmbl ├── data │ ├── config │ │ ├── host │ │ │ └── default.php │ │ └── site │ │ └── default │ │ ├── _define │ │ │ └── _define.php │ │ ├── _request │ │ │ ├── _process_get_request.php │ │ │ └── _process_post_request.php │ │ └── site_content │ │ ├── gallery │ │ │ └── _gallery.php │ │ └── landing │ │ └── _landing.php │ └── source │ ├── mod │ │ ├── client-info │ │ │ └── source │ │ │ ├── js │ │ │ │ └── client-info.js.php │ │ │ └── php │ │ │ ├── define │ │ │ │ └── _define_client-info.php │ │ │ ├── display │ │ │ │ └── _display_client-info.php │ │ │ ├── request │ │ │ │ └── _request_get_client-info.php │ │ │ └── run │ │ │ └── client-info.php │ │ └── quick-gallery │ │ └── source │ │ ├── js │ │ │ └── quick-gallery.js.php │ │ └── php │ │ ├── define │ │ │ └── _define_quick-gallery.php │ │ ├── display │ │ │ └── _display_quick-gallery.php │ │ ├── request │ │ │ └── _request_get_quick-gallery.php │ │ └── run │ │ └── quick-gallery.php │ └── site │ └── php │ ├── define │ │ └── _define.php │ ├── display │ │ └── _site_output.php │ ├── init │ │ ├── config │ │ │ ├── _config.php │ │ │ └── _mod_config.php │ │ ├── _init.php │ │ ├── io │ │ │ └── _file_IO.php │ │ └── log │ │ └── _verbose_mode.php │ ├── _preloader.php │ └── request │ ├── _process_get_request.php │ ├── _process_host_request.php │ └── _process_post_request.php ├── include │ ├── script │ │ ├── mod │ │ │ └── quick-gallery │ │ │ └── quick-gallery.js │ │ └── site │ │ └── default │ │ └── js │ │ └── main.js │ └── style │ ├── mod │ │ └── quick-gallery │ │ └── quick-gallery.css.php │ └── site │ └── default │ └── main.css.php ├── index.php └── template ├── body │ ├── default │ │ └── body.php ├── declaration │ └── default │ └── declaration.php ├── head │ └── default │ └── head.php ├── html │ └── default │ └── en │ └── html.php ├── link │ └── default │ └── link.php ├── meta │ └── default │ └── meta.php └── script └── default └── script.php
( back to top )
The engine acts as the wrapper from the whole project, and combines all the neccessary sections of the site (sites, modules, templates) to match the incoming HTTP requests.
The site /index.php
will include the preloader. The preloader then initiates: site logging, file io, and defines a template of all the values to display a site. Next, the server will determine if the incoming hostname belongs to any of the site configurations hosted on the server, along with port numbers if defined.
If the host and optional port are matched to a site configuration, a GLOBAL
Array named $site_configuration
will be populated with all the basic information for displaying a dynamic site. This will include which modules are to be loaded, and which template paths to display content with if applicable.
Site configurations, and individual requests can mix and match different templates for the following sections:
The incoming request from the client is then compared to any defined requests to be processed by the site, or any modules enabled within the site configuation. The server will then use the defined template paths to display the content requested by the client.
Incoming server request:
Points to:
Matches request:
HTML Document
Incoming server request:
Points to:
Matches request:
Processes value:
JSON Object
Site output and templates are not loaded.
Engine workflow
- Index.php
- Preloader
- Init
- _config.php ->
- Logging wrapper -> _verbose_mode.php
- _file_IO.php ->
- File read/write wrapper
- SQL db Wrapper (Not yet implemented)
- _define.php ->
- Initiates $site_configuration template
- _process_host_request.php ->
- Sets $site_configuration values (SITES)
- _mod_config.php ->
- Load required modules defined in $site_configuration (MODULES)
- _process_get_request.php -> (SITES, MODULES)
(will be _process_requests.php when POST is added.)
- $site_config['site_display_page'] is set to true if the request is determined to output a webpage. API's will set site_display_page to false and just return an expected value.
- IF site_display_page is true -> include: _site_output.php ->
- Else No site output is required, end of workflow has been reached. Done.
- site output -> (TEMPLATES, SITES, MODULES)
- [Site Template] _declaration.php ->
- [Site Template]/[LANGUAGE]/ _html.php ->
- [Site Template] _head.php ->
- [Site Template] _meta.php ->
- [Site Template] _link.php ->
- [Site Template] _body.php ->
- [Site Template] _script.php ->
- Return webpage or API response back to client.
CRMBL-ENGINE file structure
crmbl ├── data │ └── source │ └── site │ └── php │ ├── define │ │ └── _define.php │ ├── display │ │ └── _site_output.php │ ├── init │ │ ├── config │ │ │ ├── _config.php │ │ │ └── _mod_config.php │ │ ├── _init.php │ │ ├── io │ │ │ └── _file_IO.php │ │ └── log │ │ └── _verbose_mode.php │ ├── _preloader.php │ └── request │ ├── _process_get_request.php │ ├── _process_host_request.php │ └── _process_post_request.php └── index.php
[Project] ( back to top )
Each individual website hosted with crmbl require a Host file, Define file, Request file(s), and site content to display. Each site hosted by crmbl will have these files individually:
A Host file (located in data/config/host) that can be uniquely named to identify your site. The host file contains the web address(required), port(optional), and location of the website data, and content.
Host file example:
$host_match = "www.defaultsite.com";
$port_match = '';
if ($host_string == $host_match){
if ($port_match != '') {
if ($host_port == $port_match) {
//set site only if custom port number is matched.
$process_host_found = true;
} else {
$process_host_found = true;
A define file consists of details about the site that will be applied to the $site_configuration Array
. Define files contain unique site metadata, organization/company information, and site templates.
Example define file contents:
'site_name' => 'default',
'site_theme' => 'default',
'mods_enabled' => ["client-info", "quick-gallery"],
'site_address' => 'http://www.defaultsite.com/',
'site_email' => '[email protected]',
'company_phone_number' => '123-456-7890',
'company_info' => array(
'company_name' => 'crmbl CMS',
'site_address' => 'http://www.defaultsite.com/',
'site_title' => 'Default crmbl CMS Site',
'site_email' => '[email protected]',
'street_addr_num' => '123',
'street_name' => 'Streetname Ave',
'po_box_num' => '',
'suite_num' => '',
'apt_num' => '',
'city' => 'Las Vegas',
'state' => 'NV',
'zipcode' => '89777',
'country' => 'USA',
'phone_num' => '123-456-7890'
//Templates: (if left blank, will default to site_theme value)
'site_lang' => 'en',
'theme_declaration' => '',
'theme_html' => '',
'theme_head' => '',
'theme_meta' => '',
'theme_link' => '',
'theme_body' => '',
'theme_script' => '',
'theme_link_stylesheet' => 'main.css.php',
//Meta data:
'default_site_title' => 'crmbl CMS site',
'meta_charset' => 'UTF-8',
'meta_name_viewport_content' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0',
'meta_name_description_content' => 'crmbl CMS default template',
'meta_name_author_content' => 'defaultsite.com',
'meta_property_og_title_content' => 'crmbl CMS',
'meta_property_og_type_content' => 'website',
'meta_property_og_url_content' => 'defaultsite.com',
'meta_property_og_description_content' => 'crmbl CMS default page',
'meta_property_og_image_content' => '/include/media/site/default/images/Logo.png'
All sites are directed through the root index.php
file. Because of this, each site will be required to handle its own requests for navigation, and data handling without the use of additional html files.
Instead of linking a blog page for a site as:
Which would most likely point a webserver to:
crmbl will link to the blog page as:
Which points the server to:
This will allow the server to host multiple domains under the same root directory, and keep content dynamic without having to make continous changes to the site structure.
Example navigation request
if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == "blog"){
$site_query_value_found = true;
$site_config['site_content_request'] = "blog";
This request condtion for the default
site would be located in:
and direct the engine to load the content of:
into the body of the webpage response.
CRMBL-SITES file structure
crmbl └── data └── config ├── host │ └── [SITE NAME].php └── site └── [SITE NAME] ├── _define │ └── _define.php ├── _request │ ├── _process_get_request.php │ └── _process_post_request.php └── site_content
This template is a general example of crmbl output, and the first to be displayed after initial deployment.
crmbl-site-default file structure
crmbl └── data └── config ├── host │ └── default.php └── site └── default ├── _define │ └── _define.php ├── _request │ ├── _process_get_request.php │ └── _process_post_request.php └── site_content ├── gallery │ └── _gallery.php └── landing └── _landing.php
[Project] [Engine] ( back to top )
Modules are any extended addtional features to the CMS that are independent of the site engine itself, and can be shared with all the hosted sites. Modules may handle DOM output, HTTP request responses, or just backend functions.
Sites must declare which modules are enabled in their respective _define.php file, and modules themselves may declare other modules that are required to to be loaded for functionality.
CRMBL-MODS file structure
├── data
│ └── source
│ └── mod
│ └── source
│ ├── js
│ │ └── [MODULE NAME].js.php
│ └── php
│ ├── define
│ │ └── _define_[MODULE NAME].php
│ ├── display
│ │ └── _display_[MODULE NAME].php
│ ├── request
│ │ └── _request_get_[MODULE NAME].php
│ └── run
│ └── [MODULE NAME].php
└── include
├── script
│ └── mod
│ └── [MODULE NAME].js
└── style
└── mod
└── [MODULE NAME].css.php
This module is still in development, but necessary to to the project. These files are just acting as a placeholder for the present moment
The client-info module is being developed to relay specifically how any site information requested should be presented back to the client. Every request should check to see if javascript if enabled, and if not, switch to a <noscript> ... </noscript>
environment, to keep screen readers and text browsers in mind.
crmbl-mod-client-info file structure
└── data
└── source
└── mod
└── client-info
└── source
├── js
│ └── client-info.js.php
└── php
├── define
│ └── _define_client-info.php
├── display
│ └── _display_client-info.php
├── request
│ └── _request_get_client-info.php
└── run
└── client-info.php
This module is still in development
The quick-gallery module was the first module developed for the CMS. It was built as a demonstration for a module that can interact with the client DOM, and handle requests as a restful API itself.
quick-gallery requires a site to have a gallery sub-directory inside of the site's include/media/site/[SITE NAME]/images/ directory.
Inside a gallery directory there are three sub-directories:
- images/ - Contains the actual images to be displayed. Ex: 001.jpeg
- thumbs/ - Contains thumbnails of the images to be displayed. Will have the same file name as the image itself. Ex: 001.jpeg
- desc/ - (Optional) A filename that matches an image name, and contains a description of the image, but has .desc file extension. Ex: 001.desc
When the module is inserted into a site page, and pointed to a gallery directory:
- The module inserts all of the required elements into the site page at load time, along with stylesheets, and javascript.
- After the page loads, the module javascript calls its restful API with the foldername as the value. The quick-gallery api returns a json object with a list of images, thumbs, and descriptions.
HTTP Request from client/module:
JSON Response from crmbl site/module:
"descriptions":["001", "002"]
- The script then displays the images and thumbnails for the user to browse and view.
Inserting a browsable gallery into a crmbl site page:
Assume site 'default' has a folder setup to be a gallery:
- Enable quick-gallery module:
data/config/site/[YOUR SITE]/_define/_define.php
//add quick-gallery to mods-enabled list:
"mods_enabled" => ["quick-gallery", ... ],
- Add the gallery somewhere into your page content:
data/config/site/[YOUR SITE]/site_content/[PAGE]/[PAGE].php
detection and functionality in coordination with the client-info module. - GET Request scheme to compliment
functionality. Such assite.com/?quick-gallery-img=001&quick-gallery-thumb=1
crmbl-mod-quick-gallery file structure
├── data
│ └── source
│ └── mod
│ └── quick-gallery
│ └── source
│ ├── js
│ │ └── quick-gallery.js.php
│ └── php
│ ├── define
│ │ └── _define_quick-gallery.php
│ ├── display
│ │ └── _display_quick-gallery.php
│ ├── request
│ │ └── _request_get_quick-gallery.php
│ └── run
│ └── quick-gallery.php
└── include
├── script
│ └── mod
│ └── quick-gallery
│ └── quick-gallery.js
└── style
└── mod
└── quick-gallery
└── quick-gallery.css.php
[Project] [Engine] ( back to top )
Templates have dynamic structures and styles that define how a site will look when returned to the client. A template can be shared between different sites in crmbl, and a site can use a different mixture of template sections to create unique outputs.
A template can consist of any the following sections, but is not required to have all of them:
- /template/declaration/[TEMPLATE NAME]/declaration.php
!doctype html
- /template/html/[TEMPLATE NAME]/[LANGUAGE]/html.php
<html lang="[LANGUAGE]">
- /template/head/[TEMPLATE NAME]/head.php
- /template/meta/[TEMPLATE NAME]/meta.php
<meta charset="<?=$site_config['meta_charset']?>">
<meta name="viewport" content="<?=$site_config['meta_name_viewport_content']?>">
<meta name="description" content="<?=$site_config['meta_name_description_content']?>">
<meta name="author" content="<?=$site_config['meta_name_author_content']?>">
<meta property="og:title" content="<?=$site_config['meta_property_og_title_content']?>">
<meta property="og:type" content="<?=$site_config['meta_property_og_type_content']?>">
<meta property="og:url" content="<?=$site_config['meta_property_og_url_content']?>">
<meta property="og:description" content="<?=$site_config['meta_property_og_description_content']?>">
<meta property="og:image" content="<?=$site_config['meta_property_og_image_content']?>">
- /template/link/[TEMPLATE NAME]/link.php
<link rel="icon" href="/include/media/site/<?=$site_config['site_name']?>/favicon/favicon.ico">
<link rel="icon" href="/include/media/site/<?=$site_config['site_name']?>/favicon/favicon.svg" type="image/svg+xml">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/include/media/site/<?=$site_config['site_name']?>/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/include/style/site/<?=$site_config['site_name']?>/<?=$site_config['theme_link_stylesheet']?>?v=1.0">
- /template/body/[TEMPLATE NAME]/body.php
<!-- Elements to lay out custom site content -->
//Get site name, and page request
$site_content_string = 'data/config/site/' . $site_config['site_name'] . '/site_content/' . $site_config['site_content_request'] . '/_' . $site_config['site_content_request'] . '.php';
//Insert requested content in body
- template/script/[TEMPLATE NAME]/script.php
<script type="text/javascript" src="/include/script/site/<?=$site_config['site_name']?>/js/main.js">
- include/style/site/[TEMPLATE NAME]/main.css.php
header("Content-type: text/css");
//Set some custom values from server
$site_bgcolor = "#375b7d";
:root {
--site-bg-color: <?=$site_bgcolor?>;
*, *::before, *::after {
box-sizing: inherit;
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
html {
box-sizing: border-box;
body {
display: block;
height: 100vh;
width: 100%;
- include/script/site/[TEMPLATE NAME]/js/main.js
CRMBL-TEMPLATES file structure
crmbl ├── include │ ├── script │ │ └── site │ │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ │ └── js │ │ └── main.js │ └── style │ └── site │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── main.css.php └── template ├── body │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── body.php ├── declaration │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── declaration.php ├── head │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── head.php ├── html │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── [LANGUAGE] │ └── html.php ├── link │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── link.php ├── meta │ └── [TEMPLATE NAME] │ └── meta.php └── script └── [TEMPLATE NAME] └── script.php
A basic template to demonstrate the main template sections of crmbl.
Template UI:
- Navigation Menu
- Banner
- Article / Content
- Footer
crmbl-template-default file structure
crmbl ├── include │ ├── script │ │ └── site │ │ └── default │ │ └── js │ │ └── main.js │ └── style │ └── site │ └── default │ └── main.css.php └── template ├── body │ └── default │ └── body.php ├── declaration │ └── default │ └── declaration.php ├── head │ └── default │ └── head.php ├── html │ └── default │ └── en │ └── html.php ├── link │ └── default │ └── link.php ├── meta │ └── default │ └── meta.php └── script └── default └── script.php
[Project] [Engine] ( back to top )
Until the web based admin console is completed: updating and managing content is done with the aide of shell scripts, or manual file creation. Default sites, modules, templates and be copied and edited.
- backup-engine.sh
- backup-mod.sh
- backup-mods.sh
- backup-site.sh
- backup-sites.sh
- backup-template.sh
- backup-templates.sh
- cli-menu.sh
- config-util.sh
- crmbl
- delete-engine.sh
- delete-mod.sh
- delete-site.sh
- delete-template.sh
- deploy-engine.sh
- deploy-mod.sh
- deploy-mods.sh
- deploy-project.sh
- deploy-site.sh
- deploy-sites.sh
- deploy-template.sh
- deploy-templates.sh
- download-repo.sh
- list-available-mods.sh
- list-available-sites.sh
- list-available-templates.sh
- list-mods.sh
- list-sites.sh
- list-templates.sh
- load-local-repo.sh
- new-install.sh
- new-site-content-landing.sh
- new-site-define.sh
- new-site-get-request.sh
- new-site-host.sh
- new-site-post-request.sh
- new-site.sh
- new-template.sh
- publish-project.sh
- pull-published-project.sh
- remove-engine.sh
- remove-mod.sh
- remove-site.sh
- remove-template.sh
- un-deploy-project-cleanup.sh
- un-deploy-project.sh
- un-publish-project.sh
[Project] [Engine] ( back to top )
Currently crmbl has only been tested, and deployed on Debian based GNU/Linux distributions using the Apache HTTP Server.
- A HTTP Server capable of executing PHP Scripts
sudo root privileges will most likely need to be escalated for some terminal instructions.
This project requires that you have a http server, and PHP installed.
From the computer terminal:
#Update system and install Apache HTTP Server & PHP
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install apache2 php
Clone the crmbl project to a area on your computer/server such as /home/user , but not to the web root.
git clone https://github.com/pnwarner/crmbl
Navigate to the crmbl folder, and run the './crmbl' script to display a menu to help get set up.
cd crmbl/
The project should come pre-packaged with the engine, modules, default site, and template ready to be deployed, and published.
To deploy, and check out the complete project structure without publishing to the webroot:
- Select option 1 'Projects Menu' from the script main menu
- Then select option 2, 'Setup crmbl install (Deploy Only)'
'[ ] Site Deployed (!)' should now appear as '[x] Site Deployed' in the script output. You can now navigate to the 'crmbl_sites/' directory to explore, test, or make changes to the project.
Any changes to the deployed site can be backed up to their respective areas (engine, modules, sites, templates) by running the backup routines.
The engine, modules, sites, and templates can be loaded, backed up, deployed, removed (from the deployed site), and deleted (from the available resources) individually from their menus.
Once a site has been deployed, it can be published to the webroot using the crmbl shell script, or the 'crmbl/' folder in 'crmbl_site/' can be manually copied to the web root.
Now that the project has been assembled in the http server directory, the HTTP Server needs to be set up correctly.
The following steps are just a basic example for setting up minimum requirements for a Apache web server. Please note this configuration points to a webserver listening on Port 8080 for testing.
sudo touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/crmbl.conf
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/crmbl.conf
Add some basic configuration, and save the file Ctrl + o
and exit Ctrl + x
<VirtualHost *:8080>
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/crmbl"
ServerName localhost
ServerAlias localhost
ServerAdmin admin@localhost
DirectoryIndex index.php
<Directory /var/www/html/crmbl>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/html/crmbl/data>
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
Options None
AllowOverride None
<Directory /var/www/html/crmbl/include>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/html/crmbl/template>
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
Options None
AllowOverride None
Now enable the HTTP server to listen on Port 8080 to first test the site out on.
Open the Apache2 ports.conf to edit
sudo nano /etc/apache2/ports.conf
Locate the line in ports.conf editor containing
Listen 8080
And add the following, in a new line below it
Listen 8080
Now, write the file and close the editor. Ctrl + o
and Ctrl + x
Enable the new site & restart the server
sudo a2ensite crmbl
sudo systemctl reload apache2
Now point your web browser to l27.0.0.1:8080/
to verify if the default landing page is displayed. If the landing page is displayed, you can move forward to creating a new site.
This is very basic demonstration of getting the project running locally. You can add and change configuration options to meet your needs. You can also host multiple different websites under one installation in combination with a Domain Hosting Service of your choice.
After you have verified the install was a success by viewing the landing page. You're ready to add a new site.
All changes to the sites and content will happen in the project folder, and get pushed to the webroot. This makes developing, publishing, and backing up individual sites, modules, or templates much more practical, as well as provide better organization, and structure for repositories.
The default project directory name is set to crmbl_site/
. You can edit files in this directory, and pull the code into the appropriate project folders to save changes. Once you are ready to re-publish to your websever, run the Publish Site
option in the Projects menu of the crmbl shell script.
Adding a new site requires adding a new crmbl-site
directory structure to the existing crmbl_site project. This can be done manually, or just by running the crmbl-utils/ new-site.sh
bash ./crmbl-utils/new-site.sh
You will be prompted for some basic information about the site, and the new site will be created in the crmbl_site/
directory. To backup, and save the site for re-deployment: Navigate to the Sites menu in the crmbl shell script, and select Backup Sites. Choose the site name that you created to back it up to your crmbl-sites
project directory. The site can be un-deployed, re-deployed or published after saving.
Creating and editing content is still a manual process. An automated process for this is in the making. Please refer to the crmbl-sites section for more information about crmbl sites.
Published sites can be pulled, and backed up into the crbml_sites/
folder with the crmbl
script in the project root directory.
- Choose the
Projects Menu
- Select the 'Pull published site to crmbl_sites' options.
- Navigate back to the areas of the project that you wish to backup, and choose the backup options.
Resources that are stored in their respective areas (crmbl-engine, crmbl-mods, crmbl-sites, crmbl-templates) can be re-deployed to the crmbl_site/
folder, and re-published to the webserver.
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- Combine seperate content, modules, and templates to output website
- Host multiple websites
- Complete logging structure
- Complete file input/output wrapper
- Implement basic GET Request handling
- Implement basic POST request handling
- Complete client-info module for javascript environment detection
- Demonstrate a complete script/noScript module with quick-gallery
- Implement SQL db wrapper
- Implement Admin Console
- Implement User Module
- Implement Basic article publishing module
- Implement User media uploading / storage solutions
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If you would like to contribute to this project, please contact the author.
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This is still under consideration with the continuing development of the project.
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Patrick Warner
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