This is an application that allows interacting with the MPLABX harmony USB HID bootloader from linux. It's functionality has been verified using a PIC32MZ1024EFG064.
It is based on the PIC32UBL.exe Microchip PC Application. Copyright (c) 2013 Microchip Technology Inc. All rights reserved.
Upon running the bootloader application, the following sequence of events will occur automatically, if a step fails the program is aborted:
- Initialization: connect to USB HID device & load in hex file
- Erase: erases firmware user application flash memory
- Program: programs firmware users application flash memory using hex file
- Verify: CRC check is done on firmware application flash memory
- Jump to application: firmware bootloader stops running and jumps to execute the firmware user applicaiton
- libusb
- udev
- pthread
- hidapi (contained in source tree)
Replace DESTDIR as you see fit:
sudo make install DESTDIR=/opt/pic32ubl
Replace DESTDIR as you see fit:
sudo make uninstall DESTDIR=/opt/pic32ubl
If you are having issues getting the program to work, check the following:
- Ensure USB HID device is connected and recognized by system
- Permissions set accordingly
- Hex file is using unix EOL