component-id | name | description | type | release-date | release-number | work-package | pilot | licence | related-components | links | credits | ||||||||
bells-knowledge-graph |
BELLS Knowledge Graph |
The Knowledge Graph about Italian bells, bell towers and bell ringers. |
Repository |
30/12/2022 |
v0.1 |
BELLS Knowledge Graph stores information about Italian bells, bell towers and bell ringers. In particular, in this version, the data collected is related to the bells of the Italian region Liguria, and comes from catalogue records of the General Catalogue of Italian Cultural Heritage.
BELLS Knowledge Graph can be queried on the ArCo SPARQL endpoint. Moreover, it can be downloaded from this repository in different formats (also, see here).
License: Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY)
This knowledge graph contains data about Italian bells and bell towers. Data about bells refer to both measurable, intrinsic aspects such as weight, materials, conservation status, as well as properties deriving from interpretation situations, such as authorship attribution, dating, execution techniques, and their related objects (e.g. bibliography). The Bells knowledge graph is integrated in the ArCo knowledge graph.
- Where is the building/church/bell tower?
- When (what year) was the building built?
- In which context is the building located (urban, periurban...)?
- Are there bells in the church/bell tower? How many bells are in the church/bell tower?
- Is there a single bell or a poliorganic instrument (a set of bells) in a church/bell tower?
- By whom (by which foundry) were they cast?
- When were they cast?
- Which is the material of the bell?
- Which is the weight of the bell?
- Which are the measures of the bell?
- Which is the nominal note of a bell?
- What inscription is on the bell?
- Which is the Iconclass code connected to the icons on the bell?
- By whom (by which foundry) were the bell(s) cast? When where they cast?
PREFIX tiapit: <>
PREFIX core: <>
PREFIX a-cd: <>
PREFIX arco: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?bell ?desc ?author ?authorLab ?dating ?datingTime
WHERE { ?bell arco:isCulturalPropertyComponentOf ?setofbells ; rdf:type arco:MusicHeritage ;
core:description ?desc ;
a-cd:hasDating ?dating ;
a-cd:hasAuthor ?author ;
dc:subject ?o .
?author rdfs:label ?authorLab .
?dating a-cd:hasDatingEvent ?datingEv .
?datingEv tiapit:atTime ?datingTime
- Are there bells in the church/bell tower?
PREFIX tiapit: <>
PREFIX core: <>
PREFIX a-cd: <>
PREFIX arco: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?site ?siteLab ?bell ?desc
WHERE { ?bell arco:isCulturalPropertyComponentOf ?setofbells ; rdf:type arco:MusicHeritage ;
a-loc:hasTimeIndexedTypedLocation ?titl ;
core:description ?desc ;
dc:subject ?o .
?titl a-loc:atSite ?site .
?site rdfs:label ?siteLab
- Which is the weight of the bell?
PREFIX tiapit: <>
PREFIX muapit: <>
PREFIX core: <>
PREFIX a-cd: <>
PREFIX arco: <>
PREFIX a-dd: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?bell ?desc ?m ?mLab ?v ?u ?uLab
WHERE { ?bell arco:isCulturalPropertyComponentOf ?setofbells ; rdf:type arco:MusicHeritage ;
a-loc:hasTimeIndexedTypedLocation ?titl ;
core:description ?desc ;
a-dd:hasMeasurementCollection ?mc ;
dc:subject ?o .
?mc a-dd:hasMeasurement ?m .
?m a-dd:hasMeasurementType a-dd:Weight .
?m rdfs:label ?mLab ; a-dd:hasValue ?mVal .
?mVal muapit:value ?v ; muapit:hasMeasurementUnit ?u .
?u rdfs:label ?uLab
The BELLS knowledge graph contains 249.050 triples, and includes 204 distinct bells, related to 30 distinct sets of bells. Therefore, the KG talks about 200 instances of musical instrument. Other relevant individuals in the knowledge graph are:
- 1280 roles played by some agents;
- 507 time indexed types locations, related to 68 addresses;
- 295 photographic documentations;
- 203 audio documentations;
- 267 events.
BELLS Knowledge Graph is described in a dedicated MELODY data story:
- [Overview of the bells in Liguria][(]