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-- import ""
Easily define configuration parameters for your app and this package will collect the values in the following order, each overriding the previous if a value is provided: (1) code-specified default value, (2) configuration file, (3) environmental variables and (4) command-line. A more powerful alternative to Go's flag package.
Features: - Automatic support beyond command-line arguments (Go's flag package) to configuration files and environmental variables. - Configuration files that contain multiple configurations or share configuration data with other apps. - Specify whether a parameter is required - Specify a type (e.g., int, bool, string) for your parameter - Support for unmarshalled JSON objects as parameter
A full example implementation is available in example/.
type Config struct {
This is the object that's returned from appconfig.NewConfig(). They key methods are:
Get(key string) interface{} // returns value of parameter key
PrintUsage(message string) // prints usage with optional preceeding message
func NewConfig(params map[string]Param) (Config, error)
Create a new map[string]Param
and then add the parameters you want your
application to support.
params := make(map[string]appconfig.Param)
params["config"] = appconfig.Param{Type:appconfig.PARAM_CONFIG_JSON, Default:"polyverse.json", Usage:"JSON configuration file.", Required:false}
params["proxy-addr"] = appconfig.Param{Default:":8080", Usage:"List to [address]:port.", Required:true}
params["statsd_addr"] = appconfig.Param{Usage:"StatsD address:port."}
config := NewConfig(params)
There are a lot of debug-level messages sent to syslog.
On MacOS, add the following to /etc/asl.conf to capture the debug messages:
# Rules for /var/log/appconfig.log
> appconfig.log mode=0640 format=std rotate=seq compress file_max=1M all_max=3M debug=1
? [= Sender appconfig] [<= Level debug] file appconfig.log
func (c *Config) Get(key string) interface{}
Pass the parameter key and the value will be returned with the proper type (if Type is explicitly specified). Only bool and int are converted if the value from the command-line is used since these are treated as strings. The type resulting from JSON unmarshalling are preserved so, for example, Objects in JSON will be returned as type map[string]interface{}.
func (c *Config) GetKeysWithPrefix() map[string]string
This is a helper function that returns the parameter name prepended with the proper switch prefix. The default prefix is "-" but that might be overriden that with Param.PrefixOverride. Since the prefixes are stripped and the name used as the key for the paramters map, this helper function allows you to reconstruct the command-line switch.
func (c *Config) GetParamKeysByType(paramType ParamType) []string
This is a helper function that returns a string array of all parameter names where the Param.Type matches the paramType argument.
func (c *Config) PrintUsage(message string)
This method prints out "Usage:" followed by two aligned columns. The first is the switch (including prefix) and the second is the Usage. You can optionally provide a string that will be prepended to the output.
type Param struct {
Type ParamType // Use if you want explicit type conversion
Default interface{} // Default value. If ommited, initialized value is based on Type.
Usage string // Description of parameter; used by `PrintUsage(message string)`
Required bool // Is the parameter required? Default is false.
PrefixOverride string // Override the argument identifier prefix. Default is "-".
This is the struct you use to specify the properties of each parameter.
appconfig.NewConfig(params map[string]Param)
expects you to pass an array of
this struct with the parameter name being the map index.
None of the fields are required.
type ParamType int
ParamType is an optional property of the Param struct. If ommitted, there is no type-checking of the parameter value.
const (
PARAM_STRING ParamType = iota // Converts nil to ""
PARAM_INT // Converts environmental variables and command-line values from string to int
PARAM_BOOL // Converts environmental variables and command-line values from string to bool
PARAM_OBJECT // Currently a noop
PARAM_CONFIG_JSON // Value represents the JSON config file.
PARAM_CONFIG_NODE // Specifies a different "root node" in the config file.
PARAM_USAGE // Usage flag. Typically -h, -help or --help.
Constants for the ParamType type.